Secret Folder for Mac 4.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 5.24 MB
‎用户评分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

Apimac Clean Text 消除了所有文本格式,为粘贴准备它和其他有用的功能,如删除空行、删除多个空格、删除制表符等。 主要功能:修复段落。删除段落中的返回,并删除段落之间的多句空行。将多个空格替换为单个空格,并删除行的开头和末尾的空格。将每个选项卡替换为指定数量的空格。将指定数量的空格的每个序列替换为单个选项卡。删除行开头的引出字符 ">"在行的开头添加引出字符 ">"删除返回。将每个返回替换为单个空格。转换为智能报价。转换为直引号。将引号替换为卷曲引号。用直引号替换卷曲引号。文本向左移动。在每行之前添加指定数量的空格(按行结束分隔)。使用升序对文本的所有行(由行结束分隔)的所有行进行排序。大写句子。大写每个句子的第一个单词(由""和省略号"...").大写单词。将字符设置为大写。将字符设置为小写。随机情况。删除重复的行。仅保留一组等值行之间的第一行。文本编码。窗口到 Mac 编码。Mac 到 Windows 编码。将三个句点的每个区块替换为单个省略号(仅在 Mac 版本中)。将省略号转换为三个句点(仅在 Mac 版本中)。创建 fi 和 fl 连字。为文本中的每个"文本"和"fl""序列创建专业的发布 fi 和 fl 连字(仅在 Mac 版本中)。删除 fi 和 fl 连字(仅在 Mac 版本中)。编码到麦金托什行末 (CR)。编码到 Unix 行结束 (LF)。编码到 Windows 行结束 (CR+LF)。将所有换行符转换为"行符";"转行";将换行符转换为"行转符"。


  • 版本 4.0 发布于 2006-04-10



End User License Agreement THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT between you (either an individual or an entity) and Apimac. By using Apimac Secret Folder ("the Software"), you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, do not use the Software. 1. Grant of Limited License. Apimac grants to you the non-exclusive, limited right to install and use the Software. 2. Copyright. The Software is owned by Apimac and is protected by copyright laws and by international treaty provisions. You should therefore treat the Software like any other copyrighted material (such as for example, books or musical recordings). Among other things, copyright laws prohibit you from making derivative works of the Software. You may, however, make copies of the Software solely for your individual and personal use on multiple computers, provided that you include all copyright and proprietary rights notices on any copies. 3. Other Restrictions. (a) You may not modify, reverse-engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software for any purpose whatsoever. (b) You may not claim that the Software is yours, and you may not use the name Apimac to endorse or promote products derived from the Software without prior written permission. (c) You must use the Software at all times in a manner that is consistent with the software licenses granted to you by other companies that have provided software for your computer. For example, the Software is designed to be used with the Mac OS X operating system, and so you may not use the Software in a manner inconsistent with the Mac OS X license agreement between you and Apple Computer, Inc. (d) You may distribute copies of the Software to any third party, but you may not rent, loan, sublicense, or lease the Software to third parties. 4. Warranties and Limitation of Liability. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. APIMAC FURTHER DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE REMAINS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU (AND NOT APIMAC) ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING OR REPAIR. IN NO EVENT SHALL APIMAC OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, MARKETING, DISTRIBUTION, OR DELIVERY OF THE SOFTWARE, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER; INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, FOR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR FOR OTHER MONETARY LOSS, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THE INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN IF YOU HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL APIMAC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, WHETHER IN A CONTRACT ACTION, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORT ACTION, OR OTHER CLAIM OR ACTION, ARISING OUT OF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE OR DOCUMENTS AND OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDED TO YOU BY APIMAC, OR IN THE PROVISION OF, OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE, SERVICES OR INFORMATION. Because some states of the United States and some countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of the liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above disclaimer may not apply to you. Any warranties that by law survive the foregoing disclaimers shall terminate ninety (90) days from the date you downloaded or otherwise received the Software. 5. Your Warranty to Apimac. You warrant that all individuals having access to the Software will observe and perform all the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. You shall, at your own expense, promptly enforce the restrictions in this License Agreement against any person who gains access to your copy of the Software (i.e. the copy you obtain upon agreeing to this License Agreement or any other lawful copy you have made from this copy) with your permission or while your employee and who violates such restrictions, by instituting and diligently pursuing all legal and equitable remedies against him or her. You agree to immediately notify Apimac in writing of any misuse, misappropriation or unauthorized disclosure, display or copying of the Software that may come to your attention. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Apimac from any and all claims resulting from your use of the Software or breach of this Agreement. 6. Termination. You may terminate this Agreement at any time. Apimac may immediately terminate this License Agreement if you breach any representation, warranty, agreement or obligation contained or referred to in this License Agreement. Upon termination, you must dispose of the Software and all copies or versions of the Software by destroying the Software. COPYRIGHT NOTICE. Copyright © 2006 Apimac. All rights reserved. Any rights not expressly granted in this License Agreement are reserved.