Sim Max Software 8.8

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 14.32 MB
‎用户评分: 3.0/5 - ‎35 ‎评分

使用此 gsm 免费软件实用程序创建现有 SIM 卡的备份副本。在一张 SIM 卡中精确备份多达 12 个不同的移动 SIM 卡号码。通过拥有多个 gsm 电话号码,但只需一部物理移动电话,可节省资金和时间。备份数据将由 DES 算法加密,该算法确实符合数据加密标准。用户不必担心其数据是否会被其他人复制。扫描速度是市场上任何产品的近两倍。备份数据时请耐心等待,这可能需要很长时间。操作过程非常简单,包括此软件和手册。下面是一些基本功能:Sim编辑器具有一个超大的电话簿存储内存,可以容纳多达250个数据条目, 兼容所有gsm手机,USB 2.0兼容,编辑短信短消息在你的电脑,编辑你的电脑电话簿,复制和备份你的SIM卡之间的电话簿和短信,无需外部电源,易gsm SIM针密码管理,建立在数百个M等mi铃声铃声编辑,方便的排序功能,高速解码,多语种模拟编辑器,双模式呼叫计时器,在线号码提醒。Sim max gsm SIM 卡实用程序, 可以复制 Ki 和 IMSI 代码。复制后,您可以使用新的 SIM 卡作为原始 SIM 卡。Sim max 软件将允许您管理 SIM 卡复制过程,手机上将显示一个额外的菜单,以便您可以切换到不同的 SIM 卡号码。功能IP呼叫网关功能:如果您的手机支持通过SIM功能进行呼叫控制,您可以使用SIM呼叫直接拨号。用户不需要更改正常拨号方法。有关 SIM 函数呼叫控制的详细信息、IP 呼叫网关设置和使用限制,请访问我们的网站。它是免费的下载,没有义务购买,没有表格填写,没有必要给你的电子邮件地址。


  • 版本 8.8 发布于 2009-06-10
    已更新 Usb 驱动程序



License for Free Use: Copyright tags may not be removed in any circumstance. Licence Information and Terms of Use: This program is a freeware. It cannot be bundled with any other products, or sold without written permission from Sim Max Tech. If you install this software you are legally bound by this licensing agreement and agree to its content fully. Limitation of Liability and Warranty Disclaimer: The software is provided as is and without any warranties as to performance or merchantability, or any other warranties, whether expressed or implied. Sim Max Tech Inc. shall have no liability for any claims, losses or actions arising out of or in relation to this software. The user must accept full responsibility for any direct of consequential loss resulting from the use of this software. Sim Max Software End User License Agreement was last revised on June 1, 2009. Author grants you the right to install and use: Unlimited number of copies of this Software on unlimited number of computers for personal or business use. Unlimited number of copies of this Software on a computer network and allow concurrent use of the Software by more than one individual for personal or business use. This software and any related documentation is provided -as is - and does not constitute a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Author makes no warranty, implied or otherwise about the suitability of this software for any purpose. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of this software product remains with you. You shall indemnify, defend by counsel reasonably accepted by the author, protect and hold the author, his creators, employees and contractors harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, expenses, including consultants and attorneys fees and court costs, demands, causes of action or judgments directly or indirectly arising out of or relating to software.