SlimBoat 是一款免费的 Web 浏览器,它快速、安全且功能强大。它是快速启动和快速打开您最喜爱的网站。SlimBoat 通过采用多层保护措施,帮助您安全、安全地上网。SlimBoat 还包括数以吨计的强大功能和灵活的选项,以便您以最方便的方式在互联网上到达您最喜爱的目的地,同时避免不必要的干扰和烦恼。下面列出了 SlimBoat 支持的重要功能的简要摘要: 1. 快速填充表单填料 自动完成 Web 表单,并让您一键访问您最喜爱的在线帐户。 2. Facebook 集成 只需单击一下,即可在 facebook 上的任何页面上共享页面、图片或文本。 3. 下载管理器 下载管理器便于跟踪和组织下载作业。 4. 在线视频下载器 下载在线流媒体视频到 mp4 或其他视频格式。 5. 广告拦截器 消除网页中的虚假广告。节省内存和带宽! 6. 天气预报信息 在 Web 浏览器的状态栏中显示当前天气状况,以便您知道外面一直发生了什么。 7. 网站组 网站组功能允许您将网站集合保存为一个组,并一次单击即可打开所有网站。 8. 弹出窗口拦截器 弹出窗口拦截器杀死所有恼人的弹出式广告之前, 它有机会打扰你。 9. 网页翻译 选择和翻译功能允许您在不离开网页的情况下翻译网页中的任何文本。 SlimBoat 基于轻量级 Webkit 渲染引擎,可在 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 等不同平台上使用。立即下载SlimBoat,体验上网的速度和便利性。
- 软件分类: 网络与互联网 > 浏览器
- 发布者: FlashPeak, Inc
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.1.53
- 适用平台: windows
Freeware License Agreement This is a legal agreement between the end user and FlashPeak. Use of SlimBoat indicates your acceptance of these terms. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. SlimBoat is FREEWARE. You can install and use it on an unlimited number of computers. SlimBoat is free for distribution in any form as long as it's kept in the original form. 2. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS. The SOFTWARE is owned exclusively by FlashPeak, and this license does not transfer any ownership of the SOFTWARE to you. 3. NON PERMITTED USES. You may not translate, reverse program, disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer the SOFTWARE. 4. NO WARRANTY. THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED TO YOU "AS IS," AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER ORAL, WRITTEN, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. FlashPeak DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THIS SOFTWARE DOES NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. FlashPeak grants the license to the SOFTWARE hereunder and the END USER accepts the use hereof on an "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS" basis. Furthermore, the END USER understands and agrees that IN NO EVENT WILL FlashPeak OR ANY OF ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES which might arise out of or in connection with the performance or non-performance of this Agreement or of the SOFTWARE hereunder, even if FlashPeak has been advised of the possibility of such damages, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOST PROFITS due to errors, inaccuracies, omissions, incompleteness or insufficiency of the SOFTWARE or materials, nor for the usefulness of the SOFTWARE to the END USER. In no event shall FlashPeak'S liability related to any of the SOFTWARE exceed the license fees, if any, actually paid by you for the SOFTWARE. FlashPeak shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of or related to the use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages.