使用普通打印机打印大型横幅或海报!巨大的海报打印变得简单。只需选择图像或照片、Word 或 Excel 文档中的数据、绘图或矢量方案,SmartPrintLab 海报打印机将自动剪切、切片和切碎图片以适合多个纸张。将它们粘在一起,并创建一个巨大的打印输出高达10x10米! 凭借方便易用的界面,您将能够在几乎没有时间的时间创建大型的高质量海报,而专业图形应用的挑战也无一。海报制造商软件完全自动处理所有技术细节。它重新采样、切割和格式化图像,以在普通 A4、A3 或字母大小的打印机上生成多页输出。如果您有更大的格式打印机(A2、A1、A0),海报打印机可以通过适应可用的最大页面大小来放大。 您需要什么来创建自己的大横幅、壁画或标志?普通喷墨打印机或激光打印机。苏格兰胶带或胶水粘在一起。剪刀和一点技巧。当然,你需要海报打印机软件,使这一切工作! SmartPrintLab 海报制作软件程序与流行的图像格式兼容(bmp、gif、jpg、png、tiff、wmf、emf)。 内置缩放算法可放大图像,但质量很少或无损失,便于有效缩放。海报创作软件支持各种打印机,包括惠普、佳能、Lexmark、爱普生、三星和其他厂商的型号。 自己打印一张很棒的海报!
- 版本 3.01.28 发布于 2013-01-16
- 软件分类: 系统实用程序 > 打印机
- 发布者: SmartPrintLab
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $19.95
- 版本: 3.01.28
- 适用平台: windows
LICENSE AGREEMENT Subject matter This license applies to the computer program named SmartPrintLab Poster Printer (ProPoster) ('Software' hereinafter). All rights for this program are reserved by SmartPrintLab. Licenses You may use an unregistered copy of the Software for evaluation purposes only. With an unregistered version of the software you may print only the first three pages of the poster. You will have to purchase a license to use full unlimited version of the Software. Different types of licenses are available: Home License is for noncommercial use only. With single license copy, you can install software on a single computer making it accessible for all computer users. Business License allows for commercial use of the software. Business Licenses are required for all types of businesses. With single license copy, you can install software on a single computer making it accessible for all computer users. Enterprise License allows installing software on an unlimited number of computers at an unlimited number of locations within a single company or organization (both for-profit and non-profit) requiring software for general commercial use or for non-commercial purposes. Restrictions You may not emulate, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble the Software. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license and may result in criminal prosecution. The Software is provided 'as is', i.e. without a guarantee of any kind. SmartPrintLab neither guarantees nor takes no responsibility regarding the use or the results of using the Software in terms of reliability, accuracy of fitness for a particular purpose. You assume the entire risk of direct and indirect damages from the correct or incorrect use of the Software. Money-back guarantee To make your purchase free of risk we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you are not satisfied with this software inform us a reason and we will refund your money. General Installing and using the program signifies the acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license, you must remove the program files from you storage devices and cease to use this Software.