SpreadsheetConverter Flash Std 6.3

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 43.37 MB
‎用户评分: 3.0/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

电子表格转换器将 Excel 电子表格转换为 Web 就绪的 Adobe Flash 文件。创建实时计算与 Web 用户或博客读者交互的闪存页面。使用 Flash 发布 Web 表单,并完成表单直接发送到您的收件箱。 具有基本 Excel 技能的任何人都可以将 Web 窗体或计算器构造为普通电子表格。使用电子表格转换器到闪存,转换后的网页看起来像 Excel,工作原理与 Excel 一样。 大多数博客只包含文本和静态图像。使博客更有趣的一个简单方法就是向它添加实时计算器或 Web 表单。使用几乎任何类型的实时图表 - 折线,条形图,饼图,柱数等等。 智能 Flash 动画使您的博客或网站在竞争中脱颖而出。该程序附带了有关如何在许多不同的环境中插入闪存计算器的分步说明,如 WordPress、Blogger、TypePad、方形空间、谷歌网站、Drupal 或 Joomla。 免费表单交付服务无需安装、编程技能和配置。将第一个 Flash 表单上传到服务器后,提交的表单将开始到达您的收件箱。对于每月的小额费用,我们会将提交的表格存储在数据库中,直到您访问我们的服务器以领取。 免费试用,30天回款保证。该网页是完全独立的,不使用 Excel 并在所有 Web 服务器上运行。您只需要 Excel 和电子表格转换器加载项,只需从电子表格转换为网页格式。转换程序需要一次付费,每页、用户或服务器不收取额外费用。 我们保证最好的支持。所有产品都包含六个月的电子邮件支持。 "我创建了一个订单表单,并把它放在网上。半夜不再打电话了。我喜欢它! " - 康妮 · 佩蒂, webdgn.com。 "再次感谢您创建这个精彩的节目。我会向任何人推荐电子表格转换器. & quot; - 乔尔 · 里佐, wynsoft.net。


  • 版本 6.3 发布于 2012-03-06
  • 版本 5.2.8 发布于 2010-07-06
    许多新的用户界面功能,如日历、滑块和分级。通过实时更新改进了 Flash 图表。用于多个工作表的新面板和手风琴布局,以及分步数据输入向导。增强的提交过程与隐藏/要求字段和内置的垃圾邮件保护。



SpreadsheetConverter SINGLE-USER LICENSE This Software License Agreement (the Agreement) is a legal agreement between you the end user (the End User) and Framtidsforum I&M AB, Uppsala, Sweden (Framtidsforum). The Agreement is made as of the date of installation of the Software 1 Definitions 1.1 Software means the software product, SpreadsheetConverter, delivered as binary code and Documentation downloaded by End User. 1.2 Documentation means all documentation in machine readable form that is provided with the Software. 1.3 Application Programs means the End User's stand-alone applications or web pages developed using the Software and packaged with the parts of run-time library that implemented in HTML and JavaScript. 1.4 Anniversary Date means the last day of the month in which the Software was shipped to the End User. 1.5 Maintenance means in writing consultation, bug fixes and error corrections. 1.6 Trial license is an unpaid license. 2 Grant of License 2.1 Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Framtidsforum hereby grants the End User, and the End User accepts, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, paid-up license to use Software as follows: 2.2 To use the Software on one single computer, provided the Software is in use only on one computer at any time. The Software is in use on one computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g. hard disk, CD ROM, or other storage device) of that computer, except that the Software installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not in use. To use the Software for any purpose, including but not limited to the development of commercial Application Programs, but not including producing commercial versions of the Software itself. Restrictions: · Customer must include the copyright notice “Parts of this page Copyright (C) 2002 Framtidsforum I&M AB, Sweden” on all resulting web pages. · You have a royalty-free right to reproduce and distribute the run-time library as an integral part of the web page(s) partly constructed using the Software. You are not permitted to expose, either directly or indirectly, any API that allows programmatic access to the run-time libraries. · Your web pages or software product(s) are targeted at end-users, and are not a development tool. 2.3 To make one (1) copy of the Software for archival or back-up purposes. The End User shall furnish such copy with proprietary marks and symbols identical to those affixed to the Software. All archival and back-up copies of the Software are subject to the provisions of this Agreement. 2.4 The End User agrees not to cause or permit the reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Software. 3 Trial license If the license you obtained is identified as Trial License, the Software is intended for evaluation purposes only. The resulting web page(s) are not allowed to be published or distributed for other purposes than evaluation. You may use the Software for a ONE TIME trial period, with the duration of that period being thirty (30) calendar days from the date the Software was obtained. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SOFTWARE UNDER A TRIAL LICENSE MORE THAN ONE TIME. 4 Ownership By virtue of this Agreement the End User acquires only the rights in Section 2, Grant of License. All right, title and interest in the Software remains with Framtidsforum. 5 Warranty and Maintenance 5.1 Provided that the End User has paid for Maintenance, Framtidsforum warrants to the End User for a period of three months from the first Anniversary Date that the Software will perform the functions described in the Documentation provided by Framtidsforum. If Framtidsforum finds a deviation in the Software's performance during this period, Framtidsforum will use its best efforts to replace or modify the Software so that it performs substantially in accordance with the Documentation. Other than as stated in this Section 5, there is no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever, including without limitation, the condition of Software, its merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 5.2 If the End User does not pay for Maintenance, the Software is distributed as is. 5.3 After payment of the Maintenance Fee listed in FEES, the End User shall be provided Maintenance according to this Section. 5.4 Maintenance of the Software under this Agreement is available for not longer than 12 months after the new version becomes generally available. 5.5 Framtidsforum undertakes to make reasonable efforts to provide the End User the following Maintenance services in respect to the use of the Software, as stated in the Section 5.6 through 5.10. 5.6 Error(s) verification. Any reproducible error(s) for which verification is required shall be reported in writing to Framtidsforum. The End User undertakes, before an Error(s) report is sent to Framtidsforum, to ascertain that the Error(s) has not already been reported by Framtidsforum; verify that the Error(s) is reproducible; and provide to Framtidsforum, in machine readable form, all the information necessary to reproduce the Error(s). Framtidsforum undertakes to confirm receipt of the Error(s) report in writing to the End User; analyze the Error(s) report and verify the existence of the Error(s); and, if the reported Error(s) seriously affects the use of the Software and can be circumvented, to create a temporary solution. 5.7 Consultation and Advice. Framtidsforum shall in writing provide answers to questions regarding installation, configuration and documentation, as well as generally advice regarding submitted reports on Error(s). 5.8 Updating of the Software. Framtidsforum shall make available to the End User all updates of the Software as soon as these have been officially introduced by Framtidsforum. 5.9 Provisions of new version. Framtidsforum shall advise the End User of new versions of the Software forthwith upon their being made generally available. 5.10 Framtidsforum will have no obligation to correct defects or difficulties due to the End User modifying the Software, changing its system or computer environment, using the Software on equipment not recommended by Framtidsforum or installing it in a way not recommended by Framtidsforum, or other causes external to the Software. Such recommendations are found in the Release Notes which are part of the Software delivered by Framtidsforum. 5.11 The Maintenance Fee listed in FEES shall be payable yearly in advance within thirty (30) days after the first Anniversary Date and, unless Maintenance is canceled by either party, at least thirty days before each subsequent Anniversary Date. 5.12 The End User will pay a Maintenance reinstatement fee according to FEES if the End User should choose not to start Maintenance directly after the delivery or if Maintenance is discontinued and the End User wishes to reinstate Maintenance at a later point. 6 Upgrades If the Software is labeled as an upgrade, you must be properly licensed to use a product identified by Framtidsforum as being eligible for the upgrade in order to use the Software. Software labeled as an upgrade replaces and/or supplements the product that formed the basis for your eligibility for the upgrade. You may use the resulting upgraded product only in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 7 Deliverables There is no physical delivery of a CD or diskette(s) included with your purchase. All products are available online for download only. You can download a copy from our website at any time should you need another copy. You may also create one backup by copying the downloaded install file to a CD, Zip disk or floppy disks. 8 Indemnification To the best of Framtidsforum's knowledge the Software or the use thereof does not infringe any third party's rights. Framtidsforum shall have no responsibility what so ever for any claims of infringements of patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyrights or other property rights affecting the End User's use of the Software. The foregoing states the entire liability and obligation of Framtidsforum with respect to infringement or claims of infringement of any patent, copyright, trade secret, or any other proprietary right. 9 Limitation of Liability Framtidsforum shall not be liable to the End User for any loss or damage whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with this Agreement, the Software, its use or otherwise. Notwithstanding the generality of the above, Framtidsforum expressly excludes liability for consequential loss or damage which may arise in respect of the Software, its use, the system or in respect of other equipment or property, or for loss of profit, business revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings. Regardless of whether any remedy fails of its essential purpose, in no event will Framtidsforum be liable for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, notwithstanding being aware of the possibility of such damages. 10 Governing Law This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the substantive laws of Sweden. FEES Fees applicable to SpreadsheetConverter exclusive Value Added Tax (VAT). One Time License Fee For current fees, see http://www.spreadsheetconverter.com Application Program Fee Free of charge Yearly Maintenance Fee Maintenance agreements are not sold right now. Currently, customers are eligible to updates within their major version. That means, that if you bought version 1.2 you are eligible to all version 1.x, but not to version 2. We expect to release one major version per year. Maintenance Reinstatement Fee Maintenance agreements are not sold right now DUE TO THE NATURE OF EVOLVING PROGRAMMING AND THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS IN, WHICH THIS SOFTWARE MAY BE USED, IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT OCCASIONAL "BUGS" OR UNFITNESS MAY ARISE. THE USER SHOULD ALWAYS TEST THIS SOFTWARE THOROUGHLY WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ON IT. BY USING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND IT, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS' TERMS AND CONDITIONS. YOU ALSO AGREE THAT THE AGREEMENT IS THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES AND SUPERSEDE ALL PROPOSALS OR PRIOR AGREEMENTS, ORAL OR WRITTEN, AND ANY OTHER COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN THE PARTIES RELATING TO THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION.