电子商务商店老板现在可以在 AppJetty 的顶级 Magento 2 产品设计师扩展 - 高级产品设计师的帮助下,为客户提供个性化的 T恤、麻瓜、文具、礼品和护肤品等系列。在这个 Html5 在线 T恤设计师的帮助下,您的客户将能够在他们选择的产品上创建可打印的设计!设计完成后,他们可以查看产品并下订单。高级产品设计器是理想的网络打印软件解决方案,如果你想有一个客户为中心和成功的业务! 高级产品设计器已经开发,同时牢记设备响应能力。因此,您的客户将始终可以自由地在任何设备上释放他们的设计技能,包括 iPad、平板电脑、台式机或笔记本电脑。通过为 Magento 2 创建的自定义产品设计器扩展,您的客户将能够点击几下即可设计任何产品。现在,您的客户可以创建一个同类设计,你可以制作一个印刷的杰作,使他们高兴!
- 版本 1.0.1 发布于 2016-03-09
2.1 General Matters The customer gets a license on purchasing the product, which will be valid until the customer stops using the product or AppJetty revokes this license because of customer's inability to adhere to any of its terms and conditions. A license sold does not contain the ownership of any original works, part of it, or any documentation or derivative works of the product. Editing of license document in any other way but through Administrator Control Panel User Interface will lead to cancellation of license, client's deprivation of right for a refund, product update, and in product's incorrect operation. AppJetty doesn't hold any accountability for any business or personal data loss or harm caused to site in the event of license functionality editing attempts. 2.2 License Registration AppJetty provides a Single Installation License for its products. Although, license for One test instance is provided with single installation license. All Product instances where the product is used should have specific license through registering at AppJetty. For registration of the license the customer need to provide the domain name of the live site and also the development host (if any). Registration of license is compulsory, as the activation would not validate on customer's instance without registration.