TankGap Game 3.1

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 1.17 MB
‎用户评分: 3.1/5 - ‎7 ‎评分

坦克加普 - 坦克战斗 敌人已经突破前线,你的任务是以任何代价阻止他,直到你得到帮助。 你可以玩这个游戏对您的计算机或对一个真正的对手在本地计算机网络(LAN)或在互联网上。 安装: 您不必安装此游戏。 您可以下载或复制到任何文件夹。如果在一个文件.zip,请随时随地解包。 游戏不会以任何方式影响您的操作系统或您计算机上使用的任何程序。 完整安装: 如果您喜欢完整安装,或者在计算机上运行游戏时有任何问题,可以从游戏网站下载完整的安装设置。完成安装过程后,游戏将安装在"程序文件"文件夹中,您将从"开始"菜单中作为任何其他程序运行游戏。 卸载: 如果您不喜欢这个游戏,或者出于任何原因想要删除它,只需从您的计算机中删除游戏文件夹。如果制作了桌面快捷方式,请将其删除。 如果已完成完整安装,可以通过在控制面板中运行"添加或删除程序"来卸载游戏。 游戏玩法: 您可以通过按键盘上的 A 或 S 键或按左或右箭头键来向左或向右移动油箱。 您可以通过按 Q 或 W 键移动第二个油箱,通过按 Z 或 X 键移动第三个油箱。 通过移动鼠标指针来定义目标,然后通过按下鼠标按钮开火。 帮助: 按 F1 或单击帮助按钮。 游戏设置: 按 F12 或单击"游戏设置"按钮。 我们祝愿你与这个游戏的乐趣,乐趣和成功。


  • 版本 3.1 发布于 2009-03-12



The authors of this game have and retain all rights to the program and all parts of the program, in source and executable form, to the manuscript, design, this text, and all parts of the game site. No one element that is under copyright protection can not be used in any way without written permission from the authors. The authors have exclusive rights to anyone, including you, give or deny a permission to use this program regardless of whether you have got it as a free or you have paid for a license. The authors want to clear to everyone that the original game does not contain any malicious code, but authors can not guarantee that the computer as a complex system will behave as intended. The authors also can not guarantee that the program is not modified on the way to you. Therefore, the authors can not hold any responsibility, nor direct or indirect, nor visible, or invisible, nor implied, or supposed, simply any responsibility for anything that happens, have happened or will happen on any computer or outside the computer, whether this program is on it, or once was, or will be. If you decide to start this program, you will do it only at your own risk. If you can not or do not want to accept that it is solely your responsibility, according to the exclusive authors rights, authors do not allow you to run this program. If you accept what is written in this EULA, the authors allow you to run this program on any computer an unlimited number of times. By running this program for the first time, you acknowledge that you accept all what is written here.