Teach Yourself Pro

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在潜意识层面加速教学或心理矫正的原创技术。使注意力和记忆的主动集中。心理学。心理。通过加速技术(算法亚感、虚拟和视听教学模式)研究任何外语。暗示性技术(如催眠)。在潜意识(光刺激,双耳效应)的层次上激活保留的训练。自动标识代码页。两个内存模式(组合(字典对)和页面)。自动缩放字体和插图大小,而不会损失图像质量。支持国家符号在编码单码标准。外词的抄录。专业人士的共鸣。完全听课。多行。交互式文本编辑器,带有气泡提示和 HTML 样式的格式。催眠盘(阿基米德的螺旋)。摆。中间的半透明点,可进行渐进式放松。平铺背景图片,增强暗示效果。第 25 帧。游戏技术(保持球和马赛克)。自己的MP3编解码器。带参数均衡器的声音编辑器。背景聆听音乐作品(如巴洛克风格),长期渐进放松。将字典条目保存为文本、声音和图形信息的字典编辑器。常见多语种词典的编译器。保存用户调整。多语言界面的友好设计。


  • 版本 发布于 2007-06-25
    教学文本中的新 HTML 提示;程序代码的优化;非关键错误得到纠正。



License All copyrights on "Teach Yourself Pro" belong to Skolozhabsky Andrew. THIS SOFTWARE IS DELIVERED BY THE PRINCIPLE "AS IS". ANY GUARANTEES IT IS NOT APPLIED AND IT IS NOT PROVIDED. YOU USE THIS SOFTWARE ON THE RISK. AUTHORS WILL NOT ANSWER FOR ANY LOSSES OR DISTORTIONS OF THE DATA, ANY MISSED BENEFIT DURING USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. The given license resolves use of the registered version "Teach Yourself Pro" only on one computer. Shareware-version "Teach Yourself Pro" is distributed freely, under condition of that the present distribution kit is not changed. Any private person or the organization can not take a payment for distribution "Teach Yourself Pro" without reception on that of the consent of the legal Owner. As, the shareware-version "Teach Yourself Pro" should not be distributed in collections together with any other distribution kits of programs without the consent to that of the legal Owner. You can not use, copy, emulate, create new versions let or rent, to sell, change, decompile, disassemble, to study a code of the program other ways, to transfer the registered program or any of its components, otherwise, than is determined by the present license agreement. Any such illegal use means automatic and immediate cancellation of the present agreement and can be pursued under the law. All rights which have been not given here it is obvious, are kept for Skolozhabsky Andrew. Installation and use "Teach Yourself Pro" means, that you understand positions of the present license agreement and agree with all his conditions. If for any reasons you disagree with this license agreement, it is necessary for you to remove files of the distribution kit "Teach Yourself Pro" from your devices of storage of the information and to stop use "Teach Yourself Pro". We thank for a choice "Teach Yourself Pro"! (c) 2005 Teach Soft ® Ukraine. All rights reserved.