TreeDraw 查看器是用于显示和打印使用 TreeDraw V2 或更晚创建的家谱图表文件的免费软件实用程序。它适用于使用树图标准版或树图旧版创建的 TreeDraw 图表 (.tdr 文件)。TreeDraw 本身是一个图形实用程序,用于从 Kith 和 Kin Pro V2 数据库或支持 GEDCOM 的家谱程序生成高质量的家谱图表。
- 版本 4.2.0 发布于 2014-01-28
树图 V4 兼容性 - 版本 3.02 发布于 2004-05-10
LIMITED END-USER LICENCE TreeDraw Viewer is FREEWARE and may be used and distributed freely. This software, associated on- line help and accompanying documentation are copyright SpanSoft 2000-14 and are protected by international copyright laws. SpanSoft grants you a limited licence to use this software. You are free (and encouraged) to copy and distribute this software to others on condition that you include all the files contained in the distribution archive and that you otherwise adhere to the terms of the limited distribution licence. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorised use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this licence. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by SpanSoft. By using this software you are agreeing to the terms of this licence. If you do not agree to these conditions, delete this software from your computer.