Triangulatica 是 3D 打印软件解决方案硬件平台,适合所有存在和未来 3D 打印技术: SLA 激光、SLS、SLM、FDM/FFF、DMD/LMD/DMT、MJM、SLA DLP/LCD、生物打印 软件使用计算机 GPU 的全部功能进行最快的切片,并提供了使用不同 3D 打印机和材料的机会。Triangulatica 旨在有效支持任何 3D 打印系统的操作 - 从家庭到工业解决方案。 以下是三角图的一些主要功能: - 矢量栅格切片在一个应用程序中; - 3D打印构建表的独特准备逻辑方法; - 出口格式数量大、灵活; - 基于GPU的数学运算; - 自动手动支持生成与各种类型的支撑结构和木筏; - 各种类型的参数切片填充; - 界面定制; - 打印机材料资料资料在线数据库; - 定制切片策略的极好灵活性; - 方便的许可和实惠的价格。 三角骨卡的主要特点: 1. 基于 GPU 的算法: Triangulatica 切片器的所有复杂数学算法都在现代显卡的图形处理器上实现。因此,我们实现了层填充的高性能和计算速度。 2. 支持 GPU 生成: GPU 上的自动支持生成模式允许我们计算任何型号的高达 20,000 - 50,000 个支持结构/ 秒。手动支持设置也可用。 3. GPU 切片: 每分钟高达 2,000,000,000 个体素。这是 SLM 和 SLS 技术的切片生成速度。对于具有参数填充的图层,其可能为每分钟 400-800。 4. 矢量栅格切片 Triangulatica 以大量矢量、栅格和原始格式生成完全参数化的图层。多种导出类型简化了 Triangulatica 与 3D 打印机的集成。 5. 多语种界面:英语、法语和俄语。
- 版本 发布于 2019-07-12
支持 SLC 格式!现在,您可以使用三角化卡从新宁3D,HontaiSLA,King3D等工业级3D SLA/SLM打印机。
- 软件分类: 图形应用 > Cad
- 发布者: Triangulatica LLC
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $9030.00
- 版本:
- 适用平台: windows
LICENSE AGREEMENT with end user on the use of computer software Triangulatica Original LICENSE AGREEMENT only in Russian. The text in English below was made through the automatic translation service (https: // and has no legal effect. 1. General Provisions 1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter the License) establishes the terms of use of the Triangulatica computer program, hereinafter referred to as the Program, and is concluded with the end user using the Program (hereinafter referred to as the User) and TRIANGULATICA Limited Liability Company, Russia, 198206, St. Petersburg, Petergofskoe Highway, Building 73/10, Liter AG, Pom.1-N, 1st Floor, Room 16, which is the rights holder of the exclusive rights to the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rights Holder). 1.2. By copying the Program, as well as installing it on your personal computer or using it in any way, the User expresses his full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the License. No conditions of this License Agreement may be considered as an exclusive license. 1.3. Use of the Program is permitted only under the terms of this License. If the User does not accept the terms of the License in full, then he is not entitled to use the Program for any purpose. The use of the Program with violation (non-fulfillment) of any of the conditions of the License is prohibited. 1.4. Use of the Program under the terms of this License beyond the test period is on a reimbursable basis. Financial conditions are published on 1.5. The use of the Program on conditions and methods not covered by this License is possible only on the basis of a separate agreement with the Rights Holder. When using the Program for commercial purposes, the Rights Holder has the right to request, process and store information about the User, the settings of the Program and the modes of use of the Program. 1.6. The law of the Russian Federation shall apply to this License and all relations connected with the use of the Program, and claims arising from this License or use of the Program shall be filed and considered in court at the location of the Rights Holder. 1.7. The use of the Program is possible only if the User accepts and understands that the User cannot be considered a consumer under this License Agreement with the Rights Holder and the Rights Holder under no circumstances can and will not be liable for the consequences of the use or application of the Program by the User. 2. Rights to the Program 2.1. Exclusive rights to the Program belong to the Rights Holder. 3. License 3.1. The right holder on paid terms, on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, grants the User an non-transferable right to use the Program in the territory of countries around the world in the following ways: 3.1.1. Apply the Program for its direct functional purpose by installing an instance of the Program located on the Internet site, and launching it on the user's computer's local disk in accordance with its purpose and usage rules set forth in the operating documentation (including including the User's Guide, available on the Internet); 3.1.2. Reproduce and distribute the Program as it is, strictly for non-commercial purposes (free of charge). Making a copy of the Program is permissible only for archival purposes or to replace a legally acquired copy of the Program. At the same time, a copy of the Program may not be used for other purposes than for the operation of a legally acquired copy of the Program. 4. Restrictions 4.1. Except for use in the amounts and methods expressly provided for in this License or the legislation of the Russian Federation, the User shall not change, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform other actions with the object code of the Program aimed at extracting the source text of the Program and / or obtaining information on implementation algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, as well as carry out (allow to perform) other uses Program, without the written consent of the Rights Holder. 4.2. The User has no right to reproduce, distribute, make public the Program in any form and by any means not expressly provided for in this License, including with other programs, as part of collections of software products, with the offer of other programs, settings without the written consent of the Rights Holder. and other products, regardless of the purpose of such use. 4.3. The program should be used under the name given to it by the Rights Holder. The User has no right to change the name of the Program, change or / and delete signs of protection of copyright or other indication of the Rights Holder. 5. License Limitations 5.1. The program is provided on an as is basis (as is). The Rights Holder does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Program, the compliance of the Program with the specific goals and expectations of the User, and also does not provide any other guarantees not expressly stated in this License. 5.2. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Rights Holder shall not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Program and / or damage caused to the User and / or third parties as a result of any use or non-use of the Program , including due to possible errors or malfunctions of the Program. THE RIGHTS HOLDER DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE PERFECT WORK OF THE PROGRAM. THE PROGRAM IS NOT DEVELOPED, PRODUCED AND NOT FOR USE IN REAL-TIME MANAGEMENT DANGEROUS EQUIPMENT, SYSTEM CONTROL OF A NUCLEAR INSTALLATION, NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT OR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS OF AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT, MEDICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS OR MILITARY EQUIPMENT AND OTHER EQUIPMENT OR SYSTEMS, FOR WHICH FAILURE TO OPERATE THE PROGRAM MAY RESULT IN DAMAGE TO PEOPLE, INJURIES, ACCIDENTS OR DAMAGE TO ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENT. 6. Updates and new versions of the Program 6.1. This License covers all future updates and new versions of the Program. Installing an update or a new version of the Program means that the User accepts the terms of this License for the corresponding updates and new versions of the Program, unless they are accompanied by another license agreement. 7. Contact information. 7.1. On matters relating to this License, the User may contact the Rights Holder at the following address: Limited Liability Company TRIANGULATICA Limited Liability Company, Russia, 198206, St. Petersburg, Petergofskoe Highway, Building 73/10, Liter AG, Pom.1-N, 1st Floor, Room 16, or visit the site with information about the Program on the public Internet network at, email: [email protected]