Twenty Card Keno 3.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 3.71 MB
‎用户评分: 4.5/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

20 张卡 Keno 允许您同时玩 20 张牌,每张牌使用相同的随机数。 功能包括自动播放, 高级卡片标记功能, 声音, 速度控制, 保存/加载游戏, 基诺游戏返回的活动统计数据, 可编辑的支付缩放, 作弊代码, 和完整的帮助文件. 每板最多投注 10 个积分。 可调自动播放自动标记间隔。


  • 版本 3.0 发布于 2004-02-01



Copyright The enclosed software and accompanying materials ("Software") are a copyrighted property of Mike''s FreeWare, and can be used only under the terms of this License. Reproduction of the Software in whole or in part in any form or medium without an express written permission of Mike''s FreeWare is prohibited. The Software may not be transferred to, or by anyone. Single-user License This License gives you a non-exclusive right to use the Software in binary executable form for a limited time and for evaluation purposes only. The title to Software and all other rights are retained by Mike''s FreeWare. You may not alter any notices of our proprietary rights. You have no right to create derivative works, translate, decompile, disassemble, reverse-engineer, or copy the look-and-feel of the Software. This Software is provided gratuitously and Mike''s FreeWare does not provide any support for it. This Software may or may not have limited functionality and contains code that may or may not disable all of its functions after a certain date or usage limit. Mike''s FreeWare reserves the right to change the specifications, pricing and availability of the Software without notice. You may use only one copy of the Software on one single computer. You may not reproduce or distribute any part of the Software in any form, except that you may make one copy of program files for backup purposes. You may not transfer or use your personal/home copy at your work/place of business computer or vice-versa. You must have separate licenses for each computer. You may not install the Software on a network server or transmit it from one computer to another in a network or make it available to multiple users, unless you obtain a Network or Site License. You have no right to transfer, sublicense, resell, lease, rent or loan the Software without an express written permission of Mike''s FreeWare. You may not incorporate any part of this software in any other product. This License and your right to use the Software shall be automatically terminated after a certain date or usage limit has been reached, as determined by the Software. You may terminate this license by destroying all your copies of the Software. We may also terminate this License upon a 30-day notice to you. This License and your right to use the Software shall be terminated immediately if you violate any part of this Agreement. You agree to destroy all your copies of the Software immediately upon termination. Limited Warranty The Software and accompanying materials are supplied "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES, express or implied. Mike''s FreeWare disclaims any warranties of performance, compatibility, fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or non-infringement. Under no circumstances shall Mike''s FreeWare be held liable for any damages, whether incidental or consequential, and all damages shall be limited to the purchase price you paid, if any, for this Software to Mike''s FreeWare. U.S. Government Restricted Rights The Software and accompanying materials are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rightsin Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 225.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, or in similar clauses in the NASA AR Supplement, as applicable. Enforcement If you do not agree with any of the terms of this License Agreement, please do not download or use the Software. If you have already installed the Software, delete all program files from your computer and backup copies. Your downloading or use of the Software shall constitute your implied consent to this agreement and you shall be bound by all the terms and conditions. These legal agreements supersede all prior agreements regarding the subject matter and shall be interpreted under the laws of the State of Indiana, USA. Trademarks Ten Card keno, SnowMan Keno, Vegas Video Keno, Wild Square Keno, Mike''s FreeWare are trademarked property of Mike''s FreeWare. Other trademarks are properties of their respective holders.