Unicounter 1.04

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 40.00 KB
‎用户评分: 3.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

如果你想添加页面点击计数器或下载计数器到您的网站,那么你可能有你要找的。这种复杂的 Perl 脚本可以执行 Web 计数器的所有基本要求。它可以 :- 充当页面命中计数器; 充当下载计数器; 跟踪 IP 地址以避免错误增量; 禁用缓存; 以适合 javascript 或服务器端包含的方式输出计数器值。 除非要收集详细的统计信息或使用图形显示值,否则此计数器可能会处理所需的一切。


  • 版本 1.04 发布于 2013-03-16



Unicounter is freeware. That is to say it may be used and/or distributed without any charge subject to the terms below. Nevertheless, copyright still applies. Any breach of the terms of this license may be considered to be a breach of copyright, in which case the copyright holder may initiate legal proceedings. Use of or distribution of Unicounter shall be deemed to be acceptance in full of all terms of this license. 1) This license shall be governed by English law. All disputes will be heard within England unless all parties concerned agree on an alternative location. 2) No conversation, whether recorded or not, shall form any part of this license. No email, whether digitally signed or not, shall form any part of this license. 3) Unicounter is supplied without any warranty. You must accept all liability for losses that result from its use. No other individual or organisation shall be liable for any such losses. You should test Unicounter thoroughly before deployment. 4) Unicounter may be used without charge in both commercial and private websites. However, you must link to http://www.skaro.net with a comment similar to counters by SKARO.NET. This link need not be large but it should be legible. Alternatively, you may link to skaro.net using one of the available graphics. If you use a graphic, you must take a local copy and place it on your server. Only one link per website is required. 5) You may modify Unicounter for private or commercial use but you may not redistribute modified versions.