UserGate IM Control 1.0

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UserGate即时通讯器控制是 Entensys 的免费信使控制解决方案,可用于优化员工的上班时间,防止数据泄露和信息安全威胁。 企业网络中的信使控制 在公司网络中不受控制地使用信使可能会导致员工滥用工作时间、数据泄漏以及收到任何受感染的文件,对网络信息安全的威胁。 UserGate IM Control 在公司网络内提供 IM 使用控制,允许跟踪、提供权限或禁止 ICQ、Jabber、Mail.Ru 代理、MSN 和 Yahoo Messenger 协议。 创建 IM 帐户黑白列表 控制由白名单和黑名单信使帐户提供,并允许或禁止传输消息。从黑名单帐户发送或接收的邮件将被阻止。 消息内容监控和防止数据泄漏 (DLP) 所有通过ICQ、Jabber、代理、AIM、Mail.Ru信使、MSN信使传输的身份验证和消息都将被存储、查看和自动分析和处理。根据设置,可疑消息可以被阻止或跟踪并传递到接收方。 自动消息文本分析 UserGate IM 控制可以监视通过 IM 传输的消息的内容。形态分析和正则表达式分析函数允许阻止或记录包含预设关键字的消息,以及单词和正则表达式的形式。 技术信息 此产品是 OS Linux 服务器的网关解决方案,由 Web 控制台管理。


  • 版本 1.0 发布于 2012-09-11
    UserGate IM Control 可全面控制员工的 IM 使用情况。该解决方案允许阻止或允许消息传输,支持 IM 身份验证和消息历史记录。UserGate IM 控制支持自动形态内容分析和正则表达式筛选。



USERGATE IM CONTROL END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT NOTICE TO USER: THIS IS A CONTRACT. AT THE END, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT AND CONTINUE TO INSTALL OR, IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THIS AGREEMENT, TO DECLINE THIS AGREEMENT, IN WHICH CASE YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE, INSTALL OR OPERATE THE PRODUCT, AS DEFINED BELOW. BY INSTALLING THIS SOFTWARE YOU ACCEPT ALL THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. This Electronic End User License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity), the licensee, and Entensys Corporation (collectively, the “Company”), regarding the software and service titled UserGate IM Control 1.x (“UserGate IM Control”) that you about to download, downloaded, or otherwise obtained through other resources or media such as CD-ROMs, floppy disks, or though a network in object code form or other related services, including without limitation a) all of the contents of the files, disk(s), CD-ROM(s) or other media, including without limitation certain third-party software, if any, licensed to the Company for purposes of sublicensing to sublicensees and end users(the “Components”), with which this Agreement is provided (collectively, the “Software”), b) all successor upgrades, revisions, patches, enhancements, fixes modifications, copies, additions or maintenance releases of the Software, if any, licensed to you by the Company (collectively, the “Updates”) provided that the Updates shall not include a new subsequent releases of the UserGate IM Control bearing a new first numeral such as 2.x or 3.x (“New Releases”) but include any minor revisions of the UserGate IM Control version indicated by a change in the decimal numeral, such as 1.1 or 1.2, and c) related user documentation and explanatory materials or files provided in written, “online” or electronic form (the “Documentation” and together with the Software, Components and Updates, the “Product”). You are subject to the terms and conditions of this End User License Agreement whether you access or obtain the Product directly from the Company, or through any other source. For purposes hereof, “you” means the individual person installing, using or Operating the Product on his or her own behalf; or, if the Product is being downloaded or installed on behalf of an organization, such as an employer, “you” means the organization for which the Product is downloaded or installed and it is represented hereby that such organization has authorized the person accepting this agreement to do so on its behalf. For purposes hereof the term “organization,” without limitation, includes any partnership, limited liability company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, joint venture, labor organization, unincorporated organization, or governmental authority. By accessing, downloading, storing, loading, installing, executing, displaying, copying the Product into the memory of a computer or otherwise benefiting from using the functionality of the Product in accordance with the Documentation (“Operating”), you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Company is unwilling to license the Product to you. In such event, you may not Operate or use the Product in any way. BEFORE YOU PUT A CHECKMARK by the statement “I agree with the above terms and conditions” and CLICK ON THE “NEXT” BUTTON, CAREFULLY READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. YOUR CLICK OF THE “I AGREE” CHECKBOX IS A SYMBOL OF YOUR SIGNATURE AND BY CLICKING ON THE “I AGREE” BUTTON, YOU ARE CONSENTING TO BE BOUND BY AND ARE BECOMING A PARTY TO THIS AGREEMENT AND AGREE THAT THIS AGREEMENT IS ENFORCEABLE LIKE ANY WRITTEN NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT SIGNED BY YOU. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO ALL OF THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT, CLICK THE “EXIT” BUTTON AND THE SOFTWARE WILL NOT BE INSTALLED ON YOUR COMPUTER. This Product will not install on your computer unless or until you accept the terms of this Agreement. You may also receive a copy of this Agreement by contacting the Company at: For the purposes of this Agreement, “Company Site” shall mean the Internet website maintained by or on behalf of Company from which the Software is available for download pursuant to a license from Company. The Company Site is currently located at