Wall Street Raider 7.60

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华尔街突袭者 - 在复杂的金融模拟,企业收购和股票市场游戏和模拟的终极,其中你努力建立你的企业帝国的公平手段或犯规,而试图保持领先一步,SEC,国税局,司法部,环保局,国会,强大的工会和没有结束无情的竞争对手和处理困难的道德选择 - 更何况各种人为和自然经济和其他灾难。 在这个高度逼真的模拟中,1 到 5 个玩家(包括计算机)竞争积累财富、投资或接管和管理 70 个行业集团中多达 1590 家公司中的任何一家。 一旦控制了一家公司,您将利用华尔街真正的公司袭击者交易的所有技巧来扩大你的帝国和净资产,包括敌意收购、绿色邮件、LBOS、首次公开募股、垃圾债券融资、合并、重组、支配您的行业、反垄断和其他诉讼来骚扰竞争对手,或交易期权和商品。所有在寻求全能的美元(或日元,英镑,欧元,或其他货币,你配置它)。 您的所有投资研究和金融轮式交易都发生在不停的"实时"股票代码磁带、滚动的金融新闻磁带以及不断变化的经济和政治环境中,华尔街突袭者的所有公司和行业都必须运营并尝试应对。 快速的决策至关重要,而满头大汗的手掌是必然的,因为你试图应付,并保持你的公司的收入在上升轨道 - 或至少让自己远离破产法院! ....评论: 在头版文章 (6/22/2000) 投资者的商业日报称之为 '...富有想象力,刺激...仿真。 一位领先的计算机专栏作家写道,"你可以真正了解一些有关股票、兼并、收购和金融的一般世界,并在讨价还价中享受一个不好的享受。


  • 版本 7.60 发布于 2014-11-15
  • 版本 4.10 发布于 2007-02-15



RONIN SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT This software is licensed to you for use on a single computer. Copying restrictions on this software depend on whether you are using the evaluation (shareware) or a copy of the Registered (Commercial) Version that you have purchased from the Author or an authorized distributor, and are as follows: REGISTERED (COMMERCIAL) VERSION. You may copy the commercial (registered, paid) version of this software for archive purposes, to protect your investment. EVALUATION (SHAREWARE) VERSION. You may freely make and distribute copies of the evaluation (shareware) version of this software, provided that you may not sell the evaluation copy, and if you include it on any shareware CD compilation, or make it available on the Internet or in connection with any commercial activity or enterprise, you must disclose that it is shareware and that the product is not free. This software is protected by U.S. and international copyright law and cannot be copied or otherwise used on more than one computer by more than one person at the same time without violating the law. Giving or otherwise transferring all of your rights to the software to someone else will not violate copyright law, if you give all of the software and documentation (including this license) to that person. Remember, once you transfer your rights, you cannot continue to use the software or keep any copies of the software. MORE USERS To use this software on more than one computer you can purchase additional software for each computer. OTHER LIMITS ON YOUR USE Except as described in this license, you may not transfer, rent, lease, lend, copy, modify, translate, sublicense, time-share, electronically transmit or receive, or decompile or reverse engineer this software or the media and documentation. LIMITED WARRANTY The media for this product provided by Ronin Software are guaranteed to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for 120 days from the date this product was originally purchased. If a defect occurs within this 120-day period, simply notify Ronin Software along with a dated proof of purchase, and Ronin Software will replace it free of charge. Ronin Software makes no representation or warranty regarding the content of this product, including its software and documentation. For example, Ronin Software does not warrant that the software or documentation are "error-free" or will meet the needs and requirements of a particular user. All information in the software and documentation is subject to change without notice. In addition, Ronin Software makes no representation or warranty regarding products, media, software or documentation manufactured or supplied by others. All other warranties, representations, conditions, express or implied, including any implied warranty or condition of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed by Ronin Software. All other implied terms are excluded. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY The only remedy under this limited warranty or guarantee is replacement of the defective media or refund of the actual amount paid. Ronin Software disclaims any liability for damages arising from the use of this product or any other damages, including (though not limited to) lost profits or data, special, incidental, or other claims, even if Ronin Software has been specifically advised of the possibility of such claims. Regardless of the form of the claim, the only liability Ronin Software will have to you or any other person will be limited to the amount actually paid for the product. MISCELLANEOUS This license and limited warranty can only be modified in writing signed by you and an authorized officer of Ronin Software. If any part or provision is found to be unenforceable or void, the remainder shall be valid and enforceable. If any remedy provided is determined to have failed of its essential purpose, all limitations of liability and exclusions of damages shall remain in effect. Use, duplication or disclosure of this software and documentation by the U.S. Government is subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial computer software (under FAR 52.227-19 and DFARS 252.227-7013). Sale of this software is subject to the U.S. Commerce Department export restrictions. This software is intended for use in the country in which Ronin Software sold it (or the EEC if first sold in the EEC). This license and limited warranty shall be construed under the laws of the State of Utah in the United States. You have specific legal rights under this document, and you may have other rights that vary from state to state and country to country. Ronin Software reserves all rights not specifically granted. Ronin Software may have patents and/or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents.