当此程序监视的目录内容发生更改(添加、删除或更改文件或目录)时,WatchDirectory 会自动启动任务。 您可以选择以下预定义任务: 自动复制文件。 创建/删除文件时自动发送电子邮件。 自动删除文件。 自动上传 (ftp) 文件(支持代理、被动模式和安全 FTP)。 自动为图片创建缩略图。 自动生成 HTML。 自动生成已更改/已删除文件的审核报告(由谁创建?)。 自动压缩(zip)文件。 自动解压缩(解压缩)文件。 自动启动.bat文件。包括几个.bat示例文件: * 自动将后记文件转换为 PDF * 自动打印 PDF * 自动打印微软Word文档 * 日志文件系统活动 * 自动启动您自己的.bat文件 其他亮点: 可以监视本地目录和网络目录的更改。 高效监视目录:当受监视的文件夹发生更改时,手表目录会收到来自 Windows 的通知。 在系统启动时作为 Windows 服务应用程序轻松自动启动。 提供标准版和专业版。
- 版本 4.2.2 发布于 2007-04-04
Vista 兼容性。 - 版本 4.0 发布于 2005-07-23
- 软件分类: 系统实用程序 > 自动化工具
- 发布者: GdP Software
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $49.00
- 版本: 4.0
- 适用平台: windows
WatchDirectory End-user License Agreement NO WARRANTY WATCHDIRECTORY IS DISTRIBUTED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. FAULT TOLERANCE THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT FAULT TOLERANT AND IS NOT DESIGNED, MANUFACTURED, OR INTENDED FOR USE OR RESALE AS ONLINE CONTROL EQUIPMENT IN HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTS REQUIRING FAIL-SAFE PERFORMANCE, SUCH AS IN THE OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL, DIRECT LIFE SUPPORT MACHINES, OR WEAPONS SYSTEMS, IN WHICH THE FAILURE OF THIS SOFTWARE COULD LEAD DIRECTLY TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE. CUSTOMER REMEDIES GdP Software's entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall not exceed the price paid for the licence to use the product or one United States Dollar, whichever is the greater. Reverse Engineering Any attempt at reverse engineering or attacking the license protection scheme of this software is prohibited. Any evidence of tampering will be investigated and may lead to prosecution according to all applicable laws. Use of WatchDirectory Evaluation Version You are allowed to evaluate WatchDirectory for a period of 30 days. This program should automatically stop working after the evaluation period. If you want to use WatchDirectory after that period you must buy a license for the product. Use of WatchDirectory Registered Version Each license you buy for WatchDirectory allows you to use the program on a single machine. The author of this program has build in certain checks in this software to prevent you accidentally not obeying this part of the license agreement. Even if those checks should prove to be insufficient you are not allowed to run multiple copies of this software without a proper license. Transfer of ownership Registered Version Selling, giving or renting your license of watchDirectory to another person or company is not allowed without prior approval of GdP Software. Distribution of WatchDirectory Evaluation Version WatchDirectory may be distributed in its original, uninstalled form: the zip file as found on http://www.watchdirectory.net/downloads/watchdir.zip. The contents of this file may not be changed by adding, removing or changing its contents. No charges or requests for donations may be made other then the cost for manufacturing the media the distribution is on. Distributor must always make sure to distribute the most recent version of the software as found on the Internet: http://www.watchdirectory.net. Distribution is allowed without prior approval from GdP Software on the following electronic media: CD, Floppy disk and DVD. All other forms of distribution (including, but not limited to, all forms of E-Mail and other physical and non physical form of distribution) are NOT ALLOWED without approval of the author. Distribution of WatchDirectory, Registered version Distribution of a Registered version of WatchDirectory is strictly prohibited! This includes the distribution of license keys you may have received. Failure to abide by these provisions may result in severe legal penalties and will result in revocation of the license, which will cause the program to no longer work. Bundling WatchDirectory Bundling WatchDirectory (both the Evaluation and Registered version), with the purpose of selling or distributing that bundle, with another product (software and/or hardware) to supplement, improve or otherwise adjust the functionality of that product is not allowed without prior approval of GdP Software. WatchDirectory COPYRIGHT. 2003 - 2005, GdP Software, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED