Web 备注是一种易于使用的 Windows 程序,可帮助您将 Web 页保存在计算机上和各种文档,以便于访问。一键保存网页的副本,以以后阅读。在嵌入式 Web 浏览器或默认浏览器中查看保存的文档。从火狐浏览器,互联网浏览器,谷歌浏览器和歌剧导入书签。将保存的文档导出为单个文件存档 MHT 文档,将一堆文档导出为 MHT 格式的文档的 zip 存档。
- 版本 发布于 2012-06-26
- 软件分类: 网络与互联网 > 下载经理
- 发布者: Web Remarks Group
- 许可: 免费试用
- 价格: $29.95
- 版本:
- 适用平台: windows
YOU ARE GRANTED THE FOLLOWING LIMITED RIGHTS: a. A non exclusive, non transferable right to use the shareware version of WEB REMARKS for evaluation purposes. This trial period allows you to run the software for an evaluation period of 30 days. b. The right to distribute WEB REMARKS in its shareware form to third parties provided the latter agree to accept the terms of this Agreement. IT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED TO: a. Modify WEB REMARKS in part or in its entirety. b. Decompile or reverse engineer WEB REMARKS. c. Provide your registration number to third parties if you are a registered user. SHOULD YOU FAIL TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE ABOVE, YOUR USER RIGHTS ARE AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATED. THIS TERMINATION WILL BE IN ADDITION TO ANY CRIMINAL, CIVIL OR OTHER REMEDIES WHICH AUTHORS OF THIS PROGRAM MAY SEEK. LIMITED WARRANTY: Authors cannot be held responsible under any circumstances for damages of any character (including, but not limited to, direct or indirect damages resulting from the loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this product. This software is provided under license on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, including without limitation, implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose. Authors or any third party involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the program, cannot be held responsible under any circumstances, for any direct or indirect damage, including loss of profits, interruption of business activities, or other, faced by the user of this program, even in the case that authors has been advised of such damages. The user assumes responsibility for the result or performance of the program. Author may, at any time, revoke this license by notifying the user of the software. The user may cancel his license to use the product by destroying or erasing all copies of the software. PROPERTY: WEB REMARKS trademark is a registered trademark. Use of the products name is strictly forbidden unless it is used with the express written permission of author. WEB REMARKS, including its code, documentation, appearance, structure, and organization is an exclusive product of author, who retains the property rights to the software, its copies, modifications, or merged parts. All copyrights to WEB REMARKS are exclusively owned by the author - Web Remarks Group. Anyone may use this software during a trial period of 30 days. After that, if you wish to continue to use this program, you must purchase a license. To buy a license please visit http://webremarks.ueuo.com for details. Installing and using WEB REMARKS signifies acceptance of these terms and conditions of the license. If you do not agree with the terms of this license you must remove WEB REMARKS files from your storage devices and cease to use the product.