WebDwarf Free Web Page Maker 2.92p

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 9.40 MB
‎用户评分: 3.4/5 - ‎10 ‎评分

网页创作从未如此简单或更经济实惠。WebDwarf免费是虚拟机械师的易于使用的拖放网页制造商。功能包括带拼写检查器和链接编辑器的字处理器、内置图形创建和图像编辑、增强的页面布局(包括快照网格和选项卡)以及 FTP 客户端。 使用图形编辑器快速创建具有圆角、椭圆、饼图形状和多边形的矩形。添加底纹和透明度。也可以对标题进行着色和渲染。文本编辑器可以使用标准字处理器样式界面添加格式化文本。只需键入 URL 或使用高级链接编辑器即可自动生成链接。通过将元素拖到所需位置来撰写页面。 WebDwarf Free 的增强版面版辅助工具包括捕捉网格、捕捉到选项卡、像素精确定位、相对定位、交互式旋转、拉伸、倾斜和移动大多数元素。完成后,使用内置的 FTP 客户端发布者将网页直接导出到 ISP。"收集"工具将确保自动传输所有引用的图像和文件。 功能包括: 1. 所见即所得拖放编辑器与像素级定位。2. 带捕捉网格和捕捉到操作的布局参考线。 3. 对齐工具栏与组控制,相对定位。4. 用于输入格式化文本、标题和代码的文本编辑器。5. 矩形、椭圆、饼图形状和多边形的矢量编辑器。6. 用于平面、线性、圆柱形、径向阴影和透明度的渲染器。7. 带收集选项的 FTP 客户端发布者。8. 对 HTML 和 SVG 的完全集成支持。9. 文档、教程和在线支持。


  • 版本 2.92p 发布于 2015-02-02



Carefully read these Warranty and Registration terms before installing WebDwarf. Installation of any or all of these products indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions described.If you do not agree with the terms and conditions. DO NOT install this program.'WebDwarf', 'IMS Studio' and 'Interactive Multimedia System' are all trademarks of Virtual Mechanics Inc. All manuals, documentation and other support materials regardless of medium are the proprietary property of Virtual Mechanics or its suppliers. Any proprietary property of other companies whose products have been licensed to Virtual Mechanics and are used in these programs, such as fonts, sound effects, music, animation, clip art, spelling, dictionaries or otherwise, remain the property of those companies. You agree not to remove or deface any such notifications of proprietary restrictions from any Virtual Mechanics products contained herein.It is strictly forbidden to reverse engineer, attempt to reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise make use of any part of the core code that constitutes IMS Studio or the code contained in any of its applications including but not limited to 'WebDwarf'. Any such activity will result in criminal prosecution and the pursuit of damages.COPYRIGHT. WebDwarf is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. All title and copyrights in and to the Software Product including but not limited to any images, animations, tutorials, help files and other text, JavaScript files and "applets" that are incorporated into this Software Product, are owned by Virtual Mechanics Inc. or its suppliers. LICENSEWebDwarf is a licensed Freeware product and may be freely distributed and used provided full credit is given to Virtual Mechanics and no fee is charged for its use. All rights to WebDwarf remains the property of Virtual Mechanics. Virtual Mechanics retains all rights to change or modify the terms of use and distribution for its products at any time.WARRANTYThis free software is provided "As Is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement and/or accuracy of information or that the software is in any way error free since like all other major software products it probably is not.