Webserver Stress Tool

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 8.06 MB
‎用户评分: 4.3/5 - ‎3 ‎评分

Webserver 压力工具模拟大量用户通过 HTTP/HTTPS 访问网站。该软件可以模拟多达 10,000 个用户,这些用户通过一组 URL 独立单击他们的方式。通过脚本文件支持简单的 URL 模式以及复杂的 URL 模式。根据您指定的参数,应用程序不仅请求 URL 的 HTML,还请求帧、图像、闪存文件等,模拟 Web 浏览器在访问网站时显示的相同行为。每个用户由单独的线程进行模拟,并包含自己的会话信息(即每个模拟用户的 Cookie 单独存储)和 "surf"URL 独立于其他用户 - 就像实际使用一样。可以为每个用户参数化 URL,并且 URL 的顺序可以更改。支持 POST 和 GET 请求以及基本 HTTP 身份验证和其他几个设置。新的脚本功能允许您为大型 Web 应用程序创建高度复杂的 URL 模式。Webserver 压力工具可确保在网站中的关键问题在关闭您的 Web 资源之前得到解决。它确保您的网站和应用程序获得所需的服务器资源,以确保高质量的用户体验,并且通过一致和深入的测试和分析,您将从 Webserver 技术投资中获得所有内容。Webserver 压力工具是市场上用于模拟 Web 服务器的性能、负载和压力测试的最经济高效的解决方案。


  • 版本 发布于 2008-12-17
  • 版本 发布于 2007-02-21
    完全支持微软 Vista



License/Usage Terms for Webserver Stress Tool TRIAL Edition: The Trial Edition of Webserver Stress Tool may be used without purchase for personal and commercial use and may be installed and used on as many machines as desired. Single User Licenses (Professional Edition or Enterprise Edition): For payment of the license fee the licensee is granted one (1) non-exclusive, non-transferable license to install and use Webserver Stress Tool on one (1) computer at a time or install Webserver Stress Tool on one (1) computer to be used by multiple users. It is expressly forbidden to install Webserver Stress Tool Single User Licenses for use on multiple computers without paying additional license fees. Five User License: For payment of a 5 user license fee the licensee is granted five (5) non-exclusive, non-transferable licenses to install and use Webserver Stress Tool on five (5) computers at a time owned by one person, company or institution and located on one property owned by this person, company or institution (e.g. campus or business premises). It is expressly forbidden to install the 5 User License of Webserver Stress Tool for use on other computers without paying additional license fees. Site License: For payment of the site license fee the licensee is granted one (1) non-exclusive, non-transferable license to install and use the Enterprise Edition of Webserver Stress Tool on one (1) or more computers owned by one person, company or institution and located on one property owned by this person, company or institution (e.g. campus or business premises). It is expressly forbidden to install the Site License of Webserver Stress Tool for use on other computers without paying additional license fees. Licensee warrants that they will make a reasonable effort to remove unused licenses of Webserver Stress Tool.