WhoCrashed 4.02

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每当运行 Windows 的计算机突然重新启动而不显示任何死亡通知或蓝屏时,通常要处理的第一件事是硬件故障。实际上,大多数崩溃是由设备驱动程序和内核模块故障引起的。在内核错误的情况下,大多数运行 Windows 的计算机不会显示蓝屏,除非它们配置为这样做。相反,这些系统突然重新启动,没有任何通知。 WhoCrashed 只需单击一下即可显示已崩溃计算机的驱动程序。通常,执行事后崩溃转储分析需要调试技能和一组调试工具。此程序检查可用的崩溃转储文件,并检查可重复的模块。在大多数情况下,它可以查明过去在您的计算机系统造成痛苦的冒犯驱动程序。它进行死后碰撞转储分析,以易于理解的方式呈现所有收集的信息。 通过使用此实用程序,您不需要任何调试技能,以便能够找出哪些驱动程序给您的计算机带来麻烦。


  • 版本 4.02 发布于 2013-07-01
    Windows 8 支持,崩溃转储测试
  • 版本 2.10 发布于 2010-03-10
    Windows 7 支持,错误修复



Software License Agreement The software WhoCrashed including its documentation and all its content is legally protected by copyright. Use of the software is only allowed in accordance with this license agreement. In this agreement: "software" or "program" means the software product WhoCrashed that you have purchased or obtained for evaluation including its documentation and all its content. "trial version" means a copy of the software distributed for evaluation purposes merely which is described as such by the software. "registered version" means a copy of the software purchased from us and which is not described as a trial version by the software. "we" or "us" means Resplendence Software Projects, a European based software company. "you" means the end user of the software. This agreement is between you, the end user of the software WhoCrashed and Resplendence Software Projects and explains how you may use both trial and registered versions of the software. If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement you should in no way use, copy or install the software. The software is fully protected by copyright under European law and international treaty provisions. You may use a trial version of the software for a period of up to 21 days for evaluation purposes, to determine whether the software meets your needs before purchasing it. When this period has ended you agree to purchase a registered version of the software or otherwise to stop using it. The trial version of the software may be used or installed on as many computers or systems as required to perform your evaluation. Your 21-day evaluation period starts as soon as you first install the software on any system. Once the evaluation period has ended and you purchase the registered version, you agree not to use or install the software on more computer systems than the number of system licenses you have obtained for the software. The registered version of the software is obtained by purchasing one or more system licenses. A system license grants you the right to use the software for the benefit of one computer system. Each computer system on which you install or run the software as well as each computer system to which you remotely connect using the software requires a system license. If multiple computer systems are involved in an operation using the software then a system license will be required for each computer system involved in the operation. You may copy, distribute and publish the trial version of the software only if you include all of the files that you originally received with your trial version. When you distribute the trial version of the software you agree to inform the recipient that the copy is to be used for a time-limited evaluation period and that a registered version of the software will have to be purchased once the evaluation period has ended. You agree not to sell trial versions of the software. Once you have purchased and received the registered version you are allowed to make copies of the software for archival purposes only. You agree not to distribute or copy the software or any part of it without the advance written permission of Resplendence Software Projects. We don't promise that the Program will be free of bugs or program errors. If you report a program error or bug to us, we will do our best to correct it. If we issue a maintenance release for the Program which includes a correction for an error you reported, we will assist you in downloading it, or send you a copy of that maintenance release at no charge if you request it. We will only do this for maintenance releases, not for new major releases or other new versions of the software. DISCLAIMER FOR COPIES OF THE TRIAL VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE: YOU ARE NOT PAYING FOR THE TRIAL USE LICENSE FOR YOUR COPY OF THE TRIAL VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE. ACCORDINGLY THE TRIAL VERSION IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. DISCLAIMER FOR COPIES OF THE REGISTERED VERSION OF THE SOFTWARE: WE DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAL OR WRITTEN, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN NO EVENT SHALL WE BE LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHATSOEVER ARISING OUT OF USE OF THE SOFTWARE. SOME STATES AND COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, THEREFORE THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.