WinGuard Pro 6.4.4

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 605.73 KB
‎用户评分: 3.2/5 - ‎3 ‎评分

密码免费保护您的程序、文件和文件夹!用户可以向任何 Windows 程序添加密码保护。两种类型的文件和文件夹保护(包括加密)为您提供了一种一种保护计算机免受未经授权的访问的解决方案。具有额外的功能来锁定桌面、启动密钥、任务密钥、阻止软件安装、互联网接入和 Windows 启动。 ....特征。。。。。 > 内置程序:有超过 25 个或最常见的程序内置用于锁定免费版本。而高级用户获得超过50个内置程序。 > 锁定自己的程序(仅高级):您还可以添加任何您自己的程序来锁定。 > 密码计时器:您可以以秒为单位设置用户输入密码以访问任何锁定的程序的时间。这可以帮助阻止黑客。 > 屏幕空白:在紧急情况下,您可以使屏幕为空白,这可以防止任何计算机的使用,并且仅在屏幕上留下一个密码框来访问整个系统。 > 额外锁定:是否会告诉您有关额外锁定?这样,您就可锁定电脑上的更多功能。如桌面,我的电脑,互联网接入,互联网下载,软件安装等等。 > 停止用户安装软件(仅高级):对于讨厌用户在未经您同意的情况下在您的计算机上安装软件的用户,这是必须的。与此功能只是简单的点击是所有需要的,软件将禁用安装程序,安装程序,自我提取Exe的,Zip文件,很多。 > 帮助防止病毒:使用上述功能停止软件安装,这将有助于防止用户尝试安装的程序中可能包含的此类病毒。 > 锁定和加密文件和文件夹:有两种保护方法可用,包括强加密。 > 在线帮助:使用在线帮助功能快速获取帮助。 > 它是免费的 - 没有广告软件或间谍软件或任何其他捕获!



Legal Notice ----------------------------------------------------------------- The term software refers to WindowsGuard 2006 in this License Agreement and Terms and Conditions. A single user license can ONLY BE USED ON ONE PC, as described below. Please be aware with a single user license, the software can only be used on one PC. If you need to use the software on more than one PC, you will be required [by law] to purchase a multi-user licence. Currently there are four types of multi-user licence: 5 user, 10 user, 50 user, or unlimited user. For more information on these other licenses please see the ordering page on our web site below. License Agreement ----------------------------------------------------------------- WinGuard Pro Team permits that the software may be used on only one computer at any one time unless you have purchased a multi-user license. One copy of the software can be made for backup purposes only. WinGuard Pro Team reserves the right to terminate the agreement using the appropriate means by law, if it finds any part of the license agreement has been breached. Governing Law This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom. Disclaimer of Warranty ----------------------------------------------------------------- This software and the accompanying files are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance or merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which the software may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement. Terms and Conditions ----------------------------------------------------------------- You are prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise). You cannot distribute the registered version of the software or give away any unlock codes. All unlock codes are traceable to the original owner. You may not use this software on multiple machines or across any form of network without a multi-user license. Free software updates only applies to new versions of the software released, it does not effect the current version, for which you get for life. There may be a restriction on the period free updates, this time period is 6 months unless otherwise specified. We will issue a free update on the basis that the original product order number is quoted, as proof of purchase, for which you are sent after ordering the product. It is the users responsibly to keep the order details safe. If they are lost we cannot issue them again without the product order number. The user is advised to keep a hard copy of this information. Refunds will only be issued if there is a good reason for one. You are not entitled to one, and this does not affect your statutory rights. Refunds will be given if there is good reason along with proof, and provided we agree to it.