WinPSF 2.1

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 1.40 MB
‎用户评分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

WinPSF 旨在使用已建立的配置文件进行存档和数据备份。自动压缩和存储选定的数据。可以在用户的命令(HotKey 键、从托盘图标菜单或窗口中的配置文件列表中选择的配置文件)或通过计划程序安排在一周和每月的选定时间自动备份。 此外,程序包括优秀,快速和舒适的归档文件管理器,这使得可以自由操作与压缩的数据。您可以手动创建新存档、更新其内容、验证它、添加和删除文件、提取到任何文件夹或通过电子邮件发送。您可以在每次操作后查看生成的报表,或检查图形上的存档信息。


  • 版本 2.1 发布于 2005-07-05
    新的配置文件属性、PSF Total 指挥官插件、MS SQL Server 数据库备份、增强的备份日志、高级配置文件排序等



ARRANGEMENTS WinPSF program belongs to SHAREWARE category, so it is program, that using AFTER testing period is legally lawful, only under condition of paid registration. Testing period is a 45 days from day of program install. This not applies to program in beta version, not finished, spreaded only for advanced users in testing purposes. In this agreement content, WinPSF program will be named as "Program", WinPSF program's author: Piotr Zagawa, will be named as "Author", and WinPSF program user will be named as "User". This reservation applies to all content of following agreement. Copyright, personal and financial for WinPSF Program, belongs to Author: Piotr Zagawa 73-200 Choszczno POLAND CONTENT License agreement, legally binds Program User and Program Author for using Program by User. Using this Program, or storing it on disk of single computer in way that makes possible regular using this Program, is permitted only in case of acceptance contents of this agreement. If you not accpet content of this agreement, remove Program from disk of your computer. Full, public version of Program is free only in testing period, that is to 45 days after Program install. After passing testing period, you must register Program, in way provided by Author, or remove Program from disk of your computer. Program can be spreaded in any way, but only in original, designed for public distribution form of installation, not registered version. Similarly, spreading Program on carriers of computer periodicals. Spreading Program on separate carriers, not included in computer periodicals, needs Author agreement. You can buy registering codes, only from Author, or advisabled by him salesman. Using register codes, purchased from not official salesman, is this agreement violation. Sharing purchased registering codes of Program to third persons, or spreading algorithms or software for generating this codes, is this agreement violation. Purchase of single license for using this Program, authorize User for using Program on one or two computers, where one of them must be portable computer. You can not decompile, disasemble, or in any way change content of this Program. Any Program modification is prohibited and is this agreement violation. You can not lend, lease, or sell Program for a profit. Program has no spy modules, and is not violating User privacy. WARRANTY LIMITATIONS User making purchase of license for using Program, affirms, so is familiar with Program operation, using by his own inclination designed for this purpose testing time period. Program User, voluntarily incur risk, bound with unintentional or inconsistent with his expectations Program operation. Author, and Program salesmans, do not bear responsibility for any loss, resulting from Program using, so benefits, data, other programs and dependent informations loss. Author responsibility for damages that meets User, resulted from Program using, are limited to license fee payed by User. Author do not give any warranty for this Program. END Violation of this agreement is violation of copyright and subjects for law regulations of civil and criminal responsibility.