zApp 2.0

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 6.77 MB
‎用户评分: 4.0/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

zApp 允许您使用现代用户界面创建可视化应用程序 非常快速和便宜。使用 zApp 编写的应用程序可以自由 由任何用户使用免费的 zApp 运行时包执行。 购买 zApp 用户包的最终用户可以完全自定义 您的应用程序,以满足自己的需求。他们不仅可以改变工具栏 和菜单,但他们可以完全改变应用程序的外观和感觉 通过修改控制用户界面布局的 XML 文件。使用脚本语言,最终用户还可以向应用程序添加自己的功能或插件。 因此,作为开发人员,您既能够保护您的知识产权,又能够保护您的知识产权, 允许第三方为您的软件贡献插件。 zApp 使用一组功能丰富且功能强大的可视组件,而不是普通的普通 Windows 组件(如文本框、按钮等) 来提供。这些组件提供诸如"类型"拼写检查、与各种数据的连接等功能 源(如 XML 文件或 SQL 数据库)和强大的基于 COM 的对象 用于管理数据的树和网格视图。因为 zApp 针对 Windows 进行了优化,所以 可以使用与 Windows 脚本主机兼容的任何脚本语言。 这包括可视化基本脚本、Javascript、Perl、Python 和许多其他语言。 这些脚本语言可以自由混合您的应用程序或插件。用一种脚本语言编写的例程甚至可以调用用其他脚本语言编写的例程。 当你购买你会得到2年的免费升级!


  • 版本 2.0 发布于 2004-11-23



zApp - End-User edition Copyright (C) 2004 Zugg Software All Rights Reserved EVALUATION AND REGISTRATION This is not free software. You are hereby licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes for 30 days. After running this program for 30 days it will expire and stop functioning. Removing and reinstalling the software will NOT reset this trial period. Also, once the trial period has expired, installing a newer version of zApp will NOT reset the trial. BETA versions of zApp also have an expiration date, after which they will stop functioning. Alteration or patching of zApp in order to bypass the 30-day limit is a violation of U.S. and international copyright laws. Attempts to circumvent zApp copy protection methods may cause you to lose your full 30-day evaluations. There is no way to restore evaluations that expire. DISTRIBUTION The Shareware (Trial) version of zApp may be freely distributed. You must include all files included in the distribution package. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made, and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products without prior written permission of Zugg Software. REGISTERED VERSION zApp is licensed to a single user. You may install zApp on up to 3 different computer systems. To use zApp on more than 3 computers, you must purchase additional licenses. Each additional license adds one more computer to your allowed number of copies. Each license is unlimited in duration. If you reformat or reinstall Windows, you will need to re-enteryour registration code. Your registration code can be found in the receipt.txt file that is generatedwhen you first run zApp and enter your license information. Keep this file in a safe place so you canrestore your zApp license or upgrade to future versions. You can move a license from one machine to another. To move a license, Unlicense zApp as described below. Then use your Order ID to install a copy of zApp on another computer. Your zApp licenses are tied to the specific computer zApp was installed on. If you copy zApp to a different computer, zApp will revert to Trial mode. To Unlicense zApp right-click on the ZAPP.EXE icon and select Unlicense from the eLicense options, or open the eLicense Control Panel, select Zugg Software, then right-click on zApp. Or, select the Unlicense zApp option in your Start/Programs/zApp menu. UPGRADES Your zApp license includes free upgrades to new versions for a period of two years, starting from the date of purchase. Any new version, whether major or minor, released during this two year period can be installed and your existing registration code can be used to license this new version. Upgrading to a new version does not reset the two year period. To obtain new versions, check the web site for announcements and download information. RETURN POLICY zApp may be returned for a full refund within 30-days of it's purchase. To return zApp right-click on the ZAPP.EXE file and select Return Product from the eLicense options. This will disable your license for zApp and will refund your credit card. Only orders purchased using the Purchase button within the zApp program can be returned in this way. If you purchased zApp using any other method, Unlicense zApp from your system, as described above, then email your Order ID or Registration Code to [email protected] for details on getting a refund. Once you have used zApp for 30 days since purchasing, you cannot get a refund. COPY PROTECTION zMUD uses the eLicense technology from ViaTech for its copy protection. The eLicense technology controls the 30-day trial period for zApp, as well as the purchased license. eLicense uses sophisticated encryption and digital signature algorithms to protect the zApp license. Attempts to modify the zApp software, use an invalid registration code, or attempts to circumvent the copy protection can cause zApp to stop functioning. In addition, such illegal activities may prevent the user from using zApp or any future Zugg Software products in the future. Tampering with the eLicense software can cause any other software on your system that uses eLicense to stop functioning. zApp does NOT contact any remote server or send any information to any remote server. The eLicense server is only contacted when you first use the Purchase button to buy zApp, or when you Unlicense and Relicense an existing Order ID. Once you have purchased zApp, it will not communicate with the eLicense server again, until you Unlicense or Return the product. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. Zugg Software will not be held liable for any damage to your computer system or data files, or for any actions brought against you for using this software. The user must assume the entire risk of using this software. This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at: 157-F Love Ave, Greenwood, IN 46142 USA, FAX 317-888-2195, or send email to [email protected].