Zoiper Communicator Softphone 1.10

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Zoiper 是联赛跨平台和多协议软电话的顶尖。 长功能列表包括 XMPP 聊天、视频支持、IAX 协议、SIP 协议,当然还有音频呼叫。 voip 应用程序与所有主要 voip 提供商和 PBX 兼容,如 freeswitch、星号、3cx、yate、Avaya、思科呼叫管理器、挪威电信。 付费版本包括广泛的 Outlook 集成、使用点击拨号支持的浏览器集成、参与传输、会议以及使用 TLS / SRTP 加密 voip。呼叫中心用户的自动应答和呼叫录音也不存在。 zoiper 的独特之处在于通过 t.38 传真通过 ip 协议发送和接收传真的可能性。包括虚拟打印机驱动程序,允许您直接从任何窗口应用程序发送传真。 zoiper 软音适用于 mac、窗户、linux 和 Solaris。移动版本可用于窗口手机, iphone, Android 版本即将推出。


  • 版本 1.10 发布于 2009-11-05



END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) IZOIPER Soft Phone Securax Ltd License Agreement This End User License Agreement (€œEULA€) is a legal agreement between You (as an individual) and Securax Ltd, granting you certain rights to access and use the Software owned by Securax Ltd and/or downloaded from one of the Securax Ltd websites, namely asteriskguru.com and/or zoiper.com. You must review and either accept or reject the terms of this EULA before installing and using the Software. Clicking the "I ACCEPT" button below is equal to signing a contract written on paper and indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. By clicking the €œI ACCEPT€ button you agree that: a. You have read carefully this EULA b. You understand its terms c. You agree to be legally bound by them You may terminate this license by destroying the software, documentation, and any other copies of the Software or the Documentation in your possession. The license will be terminated by Securax Ltd upon any violation of the terms and condidtions of this Agreement. 1. Definitions Asteriskguru is a brand of Securax Ltd. The Agreement €“ this EULA (End User License Agreement) The Software €“ IDEFISK/ZOIPER software phone (softphone), IDEFISK 1.38, IDEFISK/ZOIPER 2.0, BIZ and Free editions, and all Release Candidates, BETA versions and further versions, and associated materials licensed from Securax Ltd. IDEFISK 1.38 supports IAX / IAX2 protocols. IDEFISK/ZOIPER 2.0 and all Release Candidates and further versions support SIP and IAX / IAX2. Documentation €“ any user manuals, API, Provisioning and other documentations that can be found on and/or downloaded from one of the Securax Ltd websites, namely asteriskguru.com and/or zoiper.com, or have been provided to you. You €“ You, the person using the Software. Users €“ any users of the Software. 2. Conditions of use Except for the rights expressly granted herein, this License transfers to you no right, title or interest in the Software, the intellectual property or proprietary right in the Software or the Documentation. 2.1 This license only permits you to do the following install, access, display, run and otherwise use the Software on a single computer, terminal, work station, PC, or other digital device, that the Software is compatible with 2.2 You must a. use this license in good faith and in accordance with the laws of the country in which you use the Software. b. preserve the goodwill that subsists in the intellectual property rights of the Software. c. follow any additional reasonable instructions from Securax Ltd in relation to the use of the Software. d. notify Securax Ltd immediately if you become aware of any potential or actual infringement of any intellectual property rights in relation to the Software. 2.3 You may not do any of the following yourself, or through any other third party: a. sell, rent, lease, license, sub-license or redistribute the Software or its activation key(s), or use or permit others to install or directly or indirectly access or use the Software, its functionality or its activation key(s), unless granted an explicit written permission by Securax Ltd b. alter or remove any copyright, trademark, patent, or other protective notices contained in or on the Software, unless granted an explicit written permission by Securax Ltd c. reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software or otherwise attempt to derive its source code d. modify or create derivative works of the Software e. modify, disable, circumvent, avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, impair or otherwise interfere with features of the Software that enforce license restrictions or other limits, or report technical or statistical information regarding the Software f. permit any act that infringes Securax Ltd copyright in the Software other than in accordance with this EULA g. make the Software or part thereof available to another person other than in accordance with these terms and conditions h. remove or alter any marking or information whatsoever which may be attached to or form part of the Software and which identifies Securax Ltd or its related entities as the owner of copyright in the Software i. communicate or reproduce the Software other than in accordance with these terms and conditions j. enter into this Agreement and download, install or use the IDEFISK/ZOIPER Software if You are residing in a jurisdiction which restricts the use of internet-based applications according to age, or which restricts the ability to enter into agreements such as this Agreement according to age and You are under such a jurisdiction and under such age limit. Furthermore, if You are residing in a jurisdiction where it is forbidden by law to offer or use software for internet telephony, You may not enter into this Agreement and You may not download, install or use the IDEFISK/ZOIPER Software. By clicking the €œI AGREE€ button you explicitly state that you have verified in your own jurisdiction that your use of the IDEFISK/ZOIPER software is allowed. 3. Specific requirements and warnings You must ensure that your access to the Software is not illegal or prohibited by laws that apply to you. You acknowledge that the Software will be installed on your computer and will require access to your computer and network connectivity for the purpose of communicating with IDEFISK/ZOIPER, other users of the Software and other telecommunication networks. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SOFTWARE IS NOT DESIGNED, INTENDED FOR PLACING, CARRYING, SUPPORTING EMERGENCY CALLS, E.G. ANY CALL TO ANY EMERGENCY SERVICE OR ANY CALL FOR THE PURPOSE OF OBTAINING ASSISTANCE, HELP OR AID IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY. Neither Securax Ltd nor any of its agents, partners, distributors or employees are or will be liable to you or any third party in any respect for any costs or damages arising either directly or indirectly from the use of the software for emergency calls, including calls to emergency services and calls for the purpose of obtaining assistance, help or aid in the event of any emergency. Use of the Software may require you to pay license or other fees to third parties. You are responsible for payments of all such third party fees. Securax Ltd is NOT responsible for payment of any such third party license fees. You expressly acknowledge that having IDEFISK/ZOIPER softphone is not enough to make a call. You will need to connect IDEFISK/ZOIPER to a VoIP PBX, or at least you will need to have an account at one of the many Voice Service Providers around the world. 4. Term and termination 4.1 This license shall commence on the date of first use of the Software, and shall remain in force until terminated in accordance with the clauses mentioned in this EULA. 4.2 Securax Ltd may terminate any and all provisions of this license and your use of the Software at any time and for any reason upon written notice. 5. Warranty This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights, which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Securax Ltd is licensing the Software and Documentation to You €œAS IS€, with no express or implied warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any proprietary rights of a third party. Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, tort, contract, or otherwise, shall Securax Ltd be liable for any consequential, incidental, or special damages, or any other relief whatsoever, or for any claim by any third party, arising from use by You or others of the Software or Documentation, even if Securax Ltd shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages. SECURAX LTD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY WHATSOEVER FOR ANY DIRECT OR INDIRECT HARM OR LOSS CAUSED BY THIRD PARTIES, SUCH AS SERVICE PROVIDERS; RESELLERS AND/OR DISTRIBUTORS OF THE SOFTWARE, IDEFISK/ZOIPER CUSTOMIZED PACKAGE DISTRIBUTORS AND OTHER PARTIES THAT MAY BE USING IDEFISK/ZOIPER FOR ANY PURPOSES. SECURAX LTD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR ANY UNAUTHORIZED MARKETING BY SUCH THIRD PARTIES. YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ THIS AGREEMENT AND UNDERSTAND THE RIGHTS, OBLIGATIONS, TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN. BY CLICKING ON THE €œI ACCEPT€ BUTTON AND/OR CONTINUING TO INSTALL THE IDEFISK/ZOIPER SOFTWARE, YOU EXPRESSLY CONSENT TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS AND CONSTITIONS AND GRANT TO Securax Ltd THE RIGHTS SET FORTHEREIN.