缩放播放器是一款功能强大、灵活且高度可定制的媒体播放器和媒体中心软件,用于 Windows PC 平台。 使用我们的智能播放技术,更多的媒体格式播放更少的麻烦,提高稳定性和更高的性能。 Zoom Player 的全屏导航界面基于简单的 5 键系统(上/下/左/右/选择)。 5键系统让您轻松访问和导航媒体库、文件浏览、播放列表、色彩控制、音频均衡器、书签、播放历史记录等界面。该系统的简单性使其成为没有计算机经验的用户的的理想之选。 使用缩放播放器,您可以立即将任何电脑转换为家庭娱乐中心或家庭影院 PC(HTPC/Media Center),无需专用硬件或操作系统(缩放播放器在每个版本的 Windows 上运行)。 利用 Zoom Player 的模块化设计和灵活性,您可以轻松地设计安全的观看环境、限制或扩展功能,使其成为儿童和完美专业人士的的理想之选。 Zoom Player 是完全可扩展的,支持所有最新的媒体格式和界面。 新功能不断被纳入,发布时间表和功能集成清楚地在我们的支持论坛和 Twitter 帐户上公布。
- 版本 7.00 发布于 2009-11-17
This software is provided "as is" and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author or his contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Use of this program commercially without prior consent of the author is prohibited, violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Distribution or Sale of this program on digital media such as Floppy Disks, DVD Discs, CD Discs and other transferrable or removable media without the Author's consent is prohibited unless the distribution is on a Magazine CD-Cover which is given at no additional cost. Use of this software as a third party program without prior consent of the author is prohibited, even if the 3rd party program is free in nature. Modification of this program or any of it's documentation is prohibited. Content providers are using the Microsoft digital rights management technology for Windows Media ("WM-DRM") to protect the integrity of their content ("Secure Content") so that their intellectual property, including copyright, in such content is not misappropriated. Portions of this software and other third party applications ("WM-DRM Software") use WM-DRM to transfer or play Secure Content. If the WM-DRM Software's security has been compromised, owners of Secure Content ("Secure Content Owners") may request that Microsoft revoke the WM-DRM Software's right to copy, display, transfer and/or play Secure Content. Revocation does not alter the WM-DRM Software's ability to play unprotected content. A list of revoked WM-DRM Software is sent to your computer whenever you download a license for Secure Content from the Internet. Microsoft may, in conjunction with such a license, also download revocation lists onto your computer on behalf of Secure Content Owners. Secure Content Owners may also require you to upgrade some of the WM-DRM components distributed with this software ("WM-DRM Upgrades") before accessing their content. When you attempt to play such content, WM-DRM Software built by Microsoft will notify you that a WM-DRM Upgrade is required and then ask for your consent before the WM-DRM Upgrade is downloaded. WM-DRM Software used by third parties may do the same. If you decline the upgrade, you will not be able to access content that requires the WM-DRM Upgrade; however, you will still be able to access unprotected content and Secure Content that does not require the upgrade.