ZSKSoft Synchronizer 2.2

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 1.59 MB
‎用户评分: 2.5/5 - ‎2 ‎评分

ZSync 是一个多功能文件夹同步器。由于其通用方法,它同样适用于与笔记本电脑同步、备份数据、通过 FTP 发布网站、更新 AV 数据库、与远程计算机同步、查找两个文件夹之间的差异等等。 与其他仅比较两个文件中的哪个较新的同步器不同,ZSync 能够分别记住同步状态并跟踪每个文件夹中的更改。因此,程序似乎更准确;它检测可疑更改并防止冲突(当同一文件在两个位置发生更改时)。 程序操作方便。操作方便。只要浏览一下屏幕,就能立即看到总体状态、变化、问题有多严重以及建议采取什么行动。重力级别(已更改、可疑、冲突等)标有颜色。文件和文件夹状态标有易于阅读的标签,并且需要执行某些操作 - 程序显示相应的按钮。如果某些文件或文件夹不应同步 - 只需将它们拖动到""off"类别。 在与远程计算机(例如家庭计算机和办公室计算机)同步期间,最好展示 ZSync 的电源。任何数据传输通道都适合:电子邮件、闪存,甚至常规的软盘。不可避免的错误(无法传递消息、无法读取磁盘等)不会导致错误;他们只有 Zsync 更努力一点, 并采取必要措施, 以确保您的工作结果的安全。



ZSKSoft Synchronizer END-USER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT NOTICE TO USERS: CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING LEGAL AGREEMENT. USE OF THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED WITH THIS AGREEMENT (THE "SOFTWARE") CONSTITUTES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS GREEMENT, DO NOT INSTALL AND/OR USE THIS SOFTWARE. USER'S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IS CONDITIONED UPON COMPLIANCE BY USER WITH THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT. LICENSE GRANT. ZSKSoft Lab grants you a license to use one copy of the version of this SOFTWARE by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers. When you first obtain a copy of the SOFTWARE, you are granted an evaluation period of not more than 30 days, after which you must pay for the SOFTWARE according to the terms and prices discussed in the SOFTWARE's documentation, or you must remove the SOFTWARE from your computer. OWNERSHIP. The SOFTWARE is owned and copyrighted by ZSKSoft Lab. Your license confers no title or ownership in the SOFTWARE and should not be construed as a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE. COPYRIGHT. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the SOFTWARE is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the SOFTWARE will remain the exclusive property of SKSoft Inc. and you will not acquire any rights to the SOFTWARE except as expressly set forth in this license. You agree that any copies of the SOFTWARE will contain the same proprietary notices, which appear on and in the SOFTWARE. DISTRIBUTION. The SOFTWARE distribution package may be freely distributed, provided the distribution package is not modified. No person or company may charge a fee for the distribution of SOFTWARE without permission from ZSKSoft Lab. UNAUTHORIZED USE. You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reengineer, or transfer the SOFTWARE except as provided in this agreement. You may not publicize or distribute any registration code algorithms, information, or registration codes used by this software without permission from ZSKSoft Lab. Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license. LIMITED WARRANTY. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS". ZSKSOFT LAB DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER ZSKSOFT LAB NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ZSKSOFT LAB HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. GOVERNING LAW. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Russian Federation. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This is the entire agreement between you and ZSKSoft Lab that supersedes any prior agreement or understanding, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this license. RESERVED RIGHTS. All rights not expressly granted here are reserved by ZSKSoft Lab.