Copy Protect 2.0.6

许可: 免费试用 ‎文件大小: 25.19 MB
‎用户评分: 5.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

复制保护以简单可行的方式提供视频、音频、图片和文档的复制保护。您可以防止文件和文件夹的数据重复,并限制任何非法分发。当 Copy Protect 将所有受支持的格式转换为在您创建它们的特定设备中运行的可执行应用程序时,这一点成为可能。即使有人试图打开这些文件在另一个PC或驱动器,他们不会运行,将变得完全无用的。此外,复制保护允许其他用户执行您的文件,但不允许将它们复制到他们的驱动器,使任何人都不可能复制你的想法,设计和才华横溢的创作。一旦媒体文件被转换成可执行文件,它们就可以轻松地运行,而无需任何软件。同样,由于文件仅在您准备的驱动器上运行,因此数据丢失的风险将降至最低级别。该软件附带一个特殊的内置图片和文档查看器,允许您阅读受保护的文件,以及一个内置播放器,用于您的复制保护音频和视频。您可以使用"复制保护"的播放列表选项来组织和管理所有媒体文件。受复制保护的应用程序是可移植的,您可以轻松地分发它们,而不必担心数据被非法复制。相应的副本保护文件和文档可以刻录到 CD/DVD/USB 驱动器/外部驱动器/闪存盘和更多便携式选项。在创建过程中为复制受保护应用程序选择的目标将成为这些文件可以运行的位置。这样,您可以轻松地立即防止媒体文件的数据丢失或数据重复。该软件适用于 32 位和 64 位 Windows 操作系统,如 Windows 10/ 8/7/ XP/Vista 等。此外,复制保护与不同的文件系统(如 FAT、FAT32 和 NTFS)完全兼容。


  • 版本 2.0.6 发布于 2018-10-15
    此版本已更新,以提高 Windows 10 的性能。
  • 版本 2.0.5 发布于 2018-03-09
  • 版本 2.0.4 发布于 2017-12-12



Copy Protect - Copyright 2001 - 2019 - NewSoftwares LLC This license agreement (License') is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or single entity) and NewSoftwares LLC by installing, copying or otherwise using any of our Products, you agree to be bound by the terms of this License. If you do not agree to the terms of this License promptly return the unused software to the place from where you obtained it for a full refund. 1. EVALUATION PERIOD: You may use a Shareware Copy of the Product for the evaluation, in order to determine whether the Product meets your needs before purchasing it. Once the evaluation period ends, you agree to either purchase a Registered Copy of the Product, or to stop using it. 2. USE OF THE PRODUCT: While you are evaluating the Product, you must NOT (a) defeat, or try to defeat, messages in the Product which encourage users to register; (b) modify or prepare derivative works of the Product; (c) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Product; (d) modify any file that come with the Product. 3. CHECKING REGISTERED STATUS: You can determine whether this is a registered copy of the software or not by clicking the About' button in the software. If you find it written 'Unregistered', it means that the user is evaluating the product. Otherwise if you see 'Registered', it means that the user is running a registered version of the software. 4. DISTRIBUTING SHAREWARE COPIES: You may make copies of your unregistered Shareware Copy of the Product for distribution in CD/DVD or by other means, however you may not sell Shareware Copies of the Product for a profit. If you are a NewSoftwares LLC reseller or an affiliate, you have exclusive rights to sell the products in legal manner. People other than resellers and affiliates cannot distribute full versions, registration key, serial no., such a distribution will be considered Illegal and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent under the law. You CANNOT: (a) distribute registered versions of Product if you're not a NewSoftwares LLC affiliate or a reseller (b) ship incomplete versions of the Product (c) defeat or try to defeat, messages in the Product which encourage users to register their software or actively discourage user registration in any way. 5. TRADEMARKS, COPYRIGHTS AND PATENTS: Copy Protect is a registered trademark. Skin, source code and images are all copyrighted. Caution: Please note that we take all kinds of infringements very seriously. Other product and company names in this document may be the trademarks of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged. 6. WARNING: This product is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. 7. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: NEWSOFTWARES LLC MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PRODUCT, INCLUDING ITS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT WILL NEWSOFTWARES LLC BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT OR DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF ADVISED OR THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.