您的电脑运行速度是否比以往任何时候都慢?摆脱间谍软件,以加快速度!如果您遇到计算机上发生的奇怪事件,则有可能感染间谍软件。间谍软件和广告软件会以静默方式将数据发送回作者的网站,以跟踪广告活动,从而引发弹出窗口和其他问题。它甚至可能窃取您的个人信息,如信用卡或社会保险号码。 医生间谍软件清洁器允许您免费恢复计算机的安全性和性能。这个免费软件程序是100%的广告软件和间谍软件免费没有附加字符串。此功能丰富的程序将删除和阻止系统上所有间谍软件的痕迹与频繁更新的数据库。为什么支付反间谍软件时,它是免费的?今天收回对 PC 的控制。
- 软件分类: 安全和隐私 > 防垃圾邮件和防间谍工具
- 发布者: Retina-X Studios, LLC
- 许可: 免费
- 价格: N/A
- 版本: 1.1
- 适用平台: windows
PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE CAREFULLY BEFORE INSTALLING OR USING THE SOFTWARE. BY USING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ARE AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE, DO NOT INSTALL OR USE THE SOFTWARE, DELETE THE SOFTWARE AND ALL RELATED FILES FROM YOUR COMPUTER. The computer software, artwork, music, and other components included in the Doctor Spyware Cleaner product (collectively referred to herein as the "Software") are the copyrighted property of Retina-X Studios and its licensors (collectively referred to as "REX"). The Software is licensed (not sold) to you, and REX owns all copyright, trade secret, patent and other proprietary rights in the Software. You may use the Software on a single computer. You may not: (1) copy (other than once for back-up purposes), distribute, rent, lease or sublicense all or any portion of the Software; (2) modify or prepare derivative works of the Software; (3) transmit the Software over a network, by telephone,or electronically using any means, except in the course of your network use of the Software over authorized networks; (4) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software. You may transfer the Software, but only if the recipient agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you transfer the Software, you must transfer all components and documentation and erase any copies residing on computer equipment. Your license is automatically terminated if you transfer the Software. You expressly acknowledge and agree that use of the Software is at your sole risk. REX is not liable for any type of damage, litigation, or legal predicaments that may arise due to use or abuse of Doctor Spyware Cleaner. © 2003-2007 Retina-X Studios, LLC. All rights reserved.