P3dO Explorer 2.5

许可: 免费 ‎文件大小: 4.09 MB
‎用户评分: 4.0/5 - ‎1 ‎评分

照片和3D查看器与资源管理器的外观和感觉。所有流行的图像文件格式, Exif 数据, 缩略图与缓存, 缩略图打印, 缩放, 搜索工具, 幻灯片。基本图像修改(旋转)和转换。Zip-Rar 的缩略图、批量重命名重新编号、可自定义 UI。使用 P3dO 的收藏夹快速导航到图像库,通过多目录浏览管理庞大的图像集。还包括一个 3D 查看器(OBJ,MD2)和一个完整的 Poser 库管理器。


  • 版本 2.5 发布于 2016-09-22



P3dO Explorer & P3dO Explorer pro LICENSE AGREEMENT By using the software you signify that you have read and agree to all the terms of the license agreement. 1. AGREEMENT. This is a legal and binding agreement between you, hereinafter also referred to as 'user', and SENO Software company, hereinafter also referred to as 'SENO'. This legal agreement allows you, the end user, to use both freeware and/or purchased copies of P3dO Explorer under certain terms and conditions which are described below. In this agreement: - 'PROGRAM' means SENO Software's P3dO Explorer you have purchased or obtained as a freeware, including both the software and the associated documentation and other materials; - 'Freeware' means a copy of the PROGRAM distributed by us or by our authorized agents which is described as a free of use software in the PROGRAM's sign-on messages or About box; - 'Purchased Copy' means a copy of the PROGRAM purchased from us or from a dealer, and which is not described as a freeware, trial, shareware or unregistered copy in the PROGRAM's sign-on messages or About box; - 'Key' refers to the unique registration code that you receive when you purchase the PROGRAM; By installing or using PROGRAM or any other PROGRAM related products, you indicate your complete and unconditional acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this license agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of the license agreement, you must destroy the installed PROGRAM package (with all acompaying files). You must delete them from your computer and from any backup devies that you may have used). 2. PROGRAM LICENSE. SENO grants to User and User hereby accepts, subject to the limitations and obligations of this Agreement, a personal non-exclusive, non-transferable License to use the PROGRAM, together with all accompanying plugins or documentary files (collectively referred to as 'PROGRAM(s)'). Some plugins may not belong to SENO, as shown on your order, payment, invoice, or other similar documentation; the PROGRAM sign-on screen or About box; or other electronic or printed documents received from us or our dealer. Those plugins are not included in this license. Their editor or publisher retain their respective copyrights and license on them. 3. TITLE AND OWNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the PROGRAM(s) contains copyrighted and/or proprietary information protected by the laws of the European community. SENO retains all rights in, title to, and ownership of the PROGRAM(s). 4. LIMITATION OF DURATION. User's license rights will expire with a given PROGRAM version depending upon the purchase date. Upon expiry of the User's license rights PROGRAM will continue running but without the purchased features. If you don't upgrade PROGRAM(s) to that PROGRAM version User's license rights will never expire. If you choose to purchase a renewal license, SENO will grant you a preferred renewal price. 5. USAGE RESTRICTIONS. You may use a Freeware or trial version of the PROGRAM(s), in order to determine whether the PROGRAM(s) meets your needs before purchasing it. While you are evaluating the PROGRAM(s), you may use it on as many computers as are required to perform your evaluation. The Freeware version of the PROGRAM(s) is free for Personnal and Commercial use. Personnal use means that home users may use the free version for free. Commercial use means that companies may use the free version for free. Once you purchase the PROGRAM(s), your use is subject to the following restrictions: - You agree not to install or use any individual Key on more than one computer at a time. However, you may install an individual copy simultaneously on one computer at work, one computer at home, and one portable computer, IF (and ONLY if) all these computers are used primarily by the same individual, and there is no possibility that the computers will be in use at the same time except while you are actively transferring files between them. This provision is only for individual Keys and does not apply to multi-system Keys. If the PROGRAM(s) was purchased by your employer you agree to get your employer's explicit permission before installing the Key on multiple computers as described here. - If you purchased a multi-system Key for the PROGRAM(s), you agree not to install or use the PROGRAM(s) on more computers than the number included in your license, as shown on your order, payment, invoice, or other similar documentation; the PROGRAM(s) sign-on screen or About box; or other electronic or printed documents received from us or our dealer. - After your purchase, you may continue to use the Freeware version of the PROGRAM(s) on as many computers as you wish. You may not install your Key on more than one computer, except as outlined above. You may freely distribute copies of the original (freeware or trial) version of the PROGRAM(s), in its original format, so long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the cost of materials. You may not in any way change the original distribution file, except to package it within another archive if necessary. 6. OTHER RESTRICTIONS. This Agreement and your registration key is your proof of License to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. User shall not give, sell, rent, lease, sublicense, or otherwise transfer or dispose of the PROGRAM(s) on a temporary or permanent basis without the prior written consent of SENO. SENO'S PROGRAM(s) and/or contracts are non-transferrable and shall only be used by the Licensed User. User may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the PROGRAM(s). These restrictions do not pertain to rendered images or rendered animations. When you purchase the PROGRAM(s), you will receive a unique registration code, or Key. You may not publish or distribute this Key by any means without direct authorization from us. If you do, your license to use the PROGRAM is automatically terminated, you must remove the PROGRAM from your computer(s), and you may be liable for legal damages. Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, SENO Software may terminate the present agreement if you do not observe its conditions and rules. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the PROGRAM(s). 7. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. We cannot promise that the PROGRAM will be free of bugs or PROGRAM errors, but if you report a PROGRAM error or bug to us, we will do our best to correct it. Disclaimer for freeware or trial Copies: you are not paying for the trial use license for your freeware or trial copy of the PROGRAM. Accordingly the freeware or trial copy is provided 'as-is' and without warranty of any kind. Disclaimer for Purchased Copies: except as stated above, we disclaim any and all warranties, express or implied, oral or written, including any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Limitation of Liability: in no event shall we be liable for any incidental, consequential, or punitive damages whatsoever arising out of use of the PROGRAM or your relationship with us. In no case will we ever be liable for more than the price you paid for the PROGRAM. Note that some states or countries do not allow exclusion or limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, therefore the above limitation may not apply to you. 8. NO LIABILITY FOR HARDWARE. User assumes complete responsibility for all hardware used in conjunction with the PROGRAM(s). SENO shall not be responsible in any way for the non-performance or malfunction of any hardware used in conjunction with the PROGRAM(s), nor for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of any hardware. 9. GENERAL PROVISIONS. a. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue. This Agreement is governed by the laws of France. Jurisdiction and venue for the enforcement of this Agreement shall be found exclusively in the courts within France, European community. d. Trademark and Copyright. All SENO products are trademarks or registered trademarks of SENO Software. All other brand and product names are trademark or registered trademark of their respective holders. Contact SENO Software: website: www.senosoft.com contact: www.senosoft.com/contact.php Address: SENO Software 46 bld Jules Verne 44300 Nantes - France SENO Software c, 2000-2016