用于糖业的客户调查工具进行有效的在线调查或评论。使用多种问题类型、模板和报告创建、发送或计划调查。为了有一个成功的企业,重要的是要了解您的客户和他们的需求。调查火箭是最好的在线调查工具之一,也是希望通过 SugarCRM 系统进行在线调查的企业家的最终解决方案。您可以通过让客户更新自己的信息来充分利用调查火箭。您的 CRM 的理想插件是专为 Sugar CRM 系统构建的插件。而且,它提供了您的业务今天需要的功能,在不久的将来将需要和插件的作者致力于升级插件的未来范围。调查火箭是作为糖克姆测量建设者的插件,因为它满足所有这些要求和更多。通过 SugarCRM 客户反馈插件,您可以在客户从 CRM 系统内提供答案时从客户那里获得反馈。这意味着没有长时间的预期结果!SugarCRM 调查模块通过在正确的时间向正确的人员发送自动调查,帮助您充分利用 CRM 数据。这可以节省您的大量努力,您可以通过提高您的工作效率,朝着正确的方向努力。由于测量火箭是专门为 SugarCRM 构建的,因此您不需要任何第三方集成。此功能使它不同于市场上的其他调查工具,是最适合业务的调查工具之一!
- 版本 3.1.2 发布于 2015-01-01
2.1 General Matters The customer gets a license on purchasing the product, which will be valid until the customer stops using the product or AppJetty revokes this license because of customer's inability to adhere to any of its terms and conditions. A license sold does not contain the ownership of any original works, part of it, or any documentation or derivative works of the product. Editing of license document in any other way but through Administrator Control Panel User Interface will lead to cancellation of license, client's deprivation of right for a refund, product update, and in product's incorrect operation. AppJetty doesn't hold any accountability for any business or personal data loss or harm caused to site in the event of license functionality editing attempts. 2.2 License Registration AppJetty provides a Single Installation License for its products. Although, license for One test instance is provided with single installation license. All Product instances where the product is used should have specific license through registering at AppJetty. For registration of the license the customer need to provide the domain name of the live site and also the development host (if any). Registration of license is compulsory, as the activation would not validate on customer's instance without registration.