想要查看图像详细信息?您可以展开并自动滚动查看;查看您以前没有注意到的图像详细信息。垂直滚动器是唯一具有"真实"和"自动滚动"的图像查看器。Sns, 如 Facebook, Instagram, Tumbr 等。正在使用高清图像。您是否下载了图像并在监视器上显示它们?大多数图像比监视器大,您只能看到压缩版本。不是摄影师想展示的图。垂直滚动器在水平方向上放大图像并显示放大的图像。由于放大而未显示的图像部分通过自动垂直滚动显示。您可以获得更接近摄影师真正想要展示的增强视图。
- 版本 1.1 发布于 2019-02-01
新功能 (1) 使用鼠标滚轮手动滚动,(2) 胶片卷轴显示模式,(3) 旋转图像 90 度,(4) 一键子窗口/控制面板,(5) 1/4 窗口快速滚动
1. Covered Software (1)The softare covered in this agreement (we will call this THE SOFTWARE),is the software defined in attachment 1 in this agreement. THE SOFTWARE includes upgraded versions or version up versions of THE SOFTWARE. (2)The specifications, required software environment etc. of THE SOFTWARE is as detailed in attachment 1. 2. Grant of license (1)The licensor grants to the licensee the right to install on a single computer terminal that the licensee manages THE SOFTWARE in order to use THE SOFTWARE. (2)The right to use THE SOFTWARE agreed to in this agreement by the licensor is non-exclusive and non-transferable. (3)THE SOFTWARE license provided to the licensee by the licensor is a right-to-use only and THE SOFTWARE remains the property of the licensor. THE SOFTWARE is provided to the licensee by download etc. 3. Property Rights (1)The licensor and licencee agree that intellectual property rights for THE SOFTWARE and accompanying documents are the property of the licensor. This agreement does not transfer any intellectual property rights to the licencee. 4. Prohibited Matters The licensee shall not do the following unless the licensor agrees beforehand in writing (1)Install or use THE SOFTWARE for any purpose not agreed to in this agreement (2)Permit or rent or lease or sub-license the right to use THE SOFTWARE to any third party (3)Copy or change or transfer-over-the-network or otherwise infringe on intellectual property rights or reverse-assemble or reverse-compile or otherwise attempt to reverse engineer THE SOFTWARE 5 Guarantee Matters (1) THE SOFTWARE is provided to the licensee by the licensor [AS IS]. The licensor does not guaranty operation of THE SOFTWARE in any manner. However if the licensee discovers any error in THE SOFTWARE and reports this to the licensor, the licensor will try to correct the error as the licensor sees fit within reasonable time. (2)The licensor does not guaranty to the licensee that THE SOFTWARE is free from errors or operational faults or other troubles or that it does not infringe on any third party intellectual property rights or product liabilities or that it will match the needs of the licensee or the needs of any third party. Also the agreement does not guaranty any operation of the THE SOFTWARE if it is not writen in this agreement. Also the licensor will not be responsible for any results accompanying the use or non-use of THE SOFTWARE. 6 Obligations of the licensee (1)The licensee shall provide the computer etc. hardware, peripherals, operating systems etc. and maintanance etc.which will be needed to operate THe SOFTWARE, (2)If the licensee does not follow the above obligations, the licensee will not be responsible for any troubles from THE SOFTWARE. 7 Limitation of Liability (1)The licensor will not be responsible on any occasion for any direct or indirect losses or damages whatever the reason wether the licensor could anticipate or not or loss of data etc... The licensor will not be responsible for damages etc. which are not writen in this agreement. (2)In the event that the licensor has responsibility for any losses to the licensee, the total cost of the responsibility is limited to the cost of THE SOFTWARE proper which the licensee has paid to the licensor. 8 Assignment (1)The licensee shall not assign without prior writen consent from the licensor the rights and responsibilities etc. pertaining to this agreement to any third party (2)The licensor when this business or other business is redirected to a third party etc. can assign without consent from the licensee the rights of this agreement etc, the intellectual property rights of THE SOFTWARE etc. to a third party. Attachment 1 Vertical Scroller Manual 日本語3.txt Vertical Scroller Manual 3.txt