把你的视频在苹果iPod,MP4播放器与新的视频/DVD到iPod转换器! 作为视频和音频转换技术的领导者,我们今天宣布了视频/DVD To iPod 转换器,这是一个屡获殊荣的视频转换器,提供从几乎所有视频到 ipod 格式的转换。 视频/DVD To iPod 转换器通过完全支持 Vista,增强了对 Windows 操作系统的承诺。其他重要的新功能包括支持 MPEG-4,允许用户为无线通信设备(如 iPod、MP4 播放器和手机)准备视频。 使用 VIDEO/DVD 到 iPod 转换器,您可以制作容差为 0.01 秒的精确视频剪辑。 利用安明屡获殊荣的 VIDEO/DVD To iPod 转换器作为视频转换中广泛采用的标准的专业知识,1.0 版通过提供以下主要优势的新功能扩展了程序的功能: - 通过实施 MPEG-4 编码,增加了对无线通信设备的支持。MPEG-4 是苹果 iPod、PSP、MP4 播放器的广泛使用的视频标准。借助新的 VIDEO/DVD To iPod 转换器,用户可以将视频或电影转换为 MPEG-4,随时随地在 iPod 上观看:在地铁车厢、健身中心、飞机或学校休息室。用户可以享受无线视频的好处,甚至在他们的手机! 其他增强功能包括更好的视频支持与多个内置解码器引擎,提高转换速度,改进的解码方法RMVB,RM,DVD,MP4,MOV 7,M4V视频,DIVX AVI,几乎所有的视频和许多其他功能。
- 版本 3.82 发布于 2007-07-25
Video/DVD To iPod Converter license Areement You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this license agreement. Video/DVD To iPod Converter is NOT free software.It has a trial period of 2 minutes videos without any restrictions! If you want more,you must register. A single-user license is USD39.95(subject to change without notice). You can register online, by fax, phone, or mail. We also accept purchase orders. You are permitted and encouraged to distribute copies of the original, unmodified, zip-compressed Video/DVD To iPod Converter archive. However, you are not permitted to charge anything for doing so. Computer magazines are allowed to distribute the unmodified trial version on cover disks, etc., without having to contact the author in advance. When registering Video/DVD To iPod Converter, you will receive an email with registration instructions. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble this software product. You may not rent, lease or lend the software product. A valid single-user license grants you the following rights: You may install and use as many copies of Video/DVD To iPod Converter you have purchased licenses for. DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. Copyright? 2007 AnMing All rights reserved.